5 Tenets of Successful Female Led Relationships
Creating a successful and happy Female Led Relationship isn’t as difficult as you may think. Here are the 5 Tenets of a Successful Female Led Relationship. How does your FLR match up?
1. Always honor her choices and desires.
It is very important that the man in the relationship remembers to always honor the choices and desires of the woman he loves. She is taking the initiative to set the vision by knowing what she wants and expressing those desires plainly. By honoring her choices and her desires he is expressing the truest form of love. Honoring her choices and desires means saying YES to the requests she makes as though they were from a divine being because she IS a divine being.
2. Strive to make her dreams come true.
While it is important to honor the woman’s choices, it is equally as important for the man in a Female Led Relationship to do more than just honor her choices and say YES to them. He must also make it is his life mission to anticipate her needs and focus on doing the absolute best that he can to make her dream life into a reality. He shouldn’t merely follow instructions, he should be creative and driven enough to understand her vision and support it by taking initiative.
3. Groom him to be the man of her dreams.
She is the one who sets the vision and takes on the responsibility of guiding them toward their ideal lifestyle. He acts as her partner in creating this vision. In doing so, the woman will make requests of the man so that he can be stronger, smarter and more capable of being the prize in her life. He should allow her to correct him and groom him, tweaking his weaknesses in a loving way, all for the benefit of the success of the relationship.
4. Develop skills to become her hero.
A man can be a stellar assistant to a Powerful Woman but a man who desires to become an ASSET to a woman in a Female Led Relationship is a HERO. He protects, empowers and supports a woman so diligently that she feels that she can walk on water. His ability to move obstacles out of her way enables her to believe she can tackle any monster or situation that stands in the way of her family’s success. She will stand tall next to her HERO with superhuman confidence to attempt feats that she would never have dreamt of before she decided to love him.
5. Respect yourself and your commitment to the Female Led Relationship.
When a man and a woman agrees to engage in a Female Led Relationship they are doing so with the understanding that she is capable of leading and he is capable of being her biggest ally and unwavering support. Respect yourself enough that you never doubt your ability to engage in your role. When you doubt your ability to make wise choices for the advancement of the relationship, you weaken the relationship at its core.
Be committed to your agreement to love and respect each other. Never allow anyone, even yourself, to cause you to doubt your ability to perform your role or the unstoppable force you will become when you BOTH step into the power of a Female Led Relationship.
I like these Tenents. I would add that one of the most important things for a man in a Female led relationship is consistency. When we started I vowed to continue to do the things she loves, not just when the relationship was new but still 6 1/2 years later. Cards under her pillow from time to time, flowers, applying lotion to her each night. For her to run our home properly she needs to feel that I am treating her not just as the boss but as the one I love, don’t let that get stale or things will change. I know this might fall under support but I think as time goes sometimes the small things that she appreciates get lost. Don’t let it happen.
I like your post but was surprised to see for of the tenets directed to the man rather than the woman. If it is the woman’s role to groom him I would have thought that there would have been spinoffs on that point that would reflect other aspects of the other four tenets.
However, I do agree that in an ideal female dominant relationship, it shouldn’t be the woman’s role to constantly prod and ask. Instead the man should be a step ahead, anticipating what needs doing. That can get old, but it goes with the turf of getting things done or anticipating she she doesn’t have to point out what is obvious to both.
Thanks for a thoughtful post!
The biggest benefit of being her strongest supporter is the evolving of the her dreams and desire. In this evolution of this spectacular woman you share the spectacular with her in all areas of your life togethet. You also become a stronger, loving ,kind and thoughtful man with all the benefits a Nan hopes for !!!!!