Don’t Give Up On Love
This week a member of our Conquer Him Community decided he wanted to leave. I then saw that he unsubscribed from the Conquer Him blog so I reached out to him to ask him what happened, could anything have been organized better and if he was okay. He shared with me that he had given up. No one had contacted him in the Community and he did not believe he could find what he was looking for so he didn’t want to try anymore.
I’ve felt that way about my goals before. I would envision this grand thing happening, put in so much work and then nothing would happen. I often felt that I was a failure. As I matured I realized that I was not a failure after all when I recognized that each goal I set and aggressively pursued, I was learning new skills to make the next goal easier to achieve.
This is what life is about, learning new skills and becoming more enriched by each experience. A select few get things perfectly on the first try but think about the disadvantage they have when they are faced with the next challenge. Because things were offered up so easily they do not know how to navigate a problem and resolve it. Because of the many challenges I have faced and moved past, I am an extremely resourceful woman and issues don’t impact me emotionally like they once did. I am mature enough to recognize the lesson in each challenge.
I am a single woman teaching people how to create successful Female Led Marriages and Female Led Relationships. Every day I investigate couples and their lives, listening to their love stories, issues and resolutions to problems. I am immersed in love and relationships even though I do not have one of my own. Does this ever bother me? Not at all. Even though I sleep alone every night, my satisfaction in life does not come from anything outside of myself so I am able to maintain my contentment by focusing on how much I am learning and progressing in life.
Nothing is promised to you. You are not guaranteed to experience the relationship you dream of and that’s a good thing. When you realize that life will go on and should go on, happily, without the realization of your deepest desires you can decide that you will be happy anyway.
And truly, being happy regardless of your circumstance is the key to attracting the love you want. Meeting someone who is independently happy is the best feeling ever! You don’t feel responsible for creating their happiness and you feel honored that you can add to it.
You don’t need a rescuer. You don’t need a springboard to your happiness. You are the person who can create it on your own- and you should!
The man who gave up on love is doing himself a disservice. He was a part of a Community that attracts women who want a man just like him. He never got to meet the women who joined the Community on the day he left. He may have narrowly missed the woman who was looking for someone just like him.
Don’t give up on love. Love is everywhere. If you want to serve a Powerful Woman, join a community group with a female leader and gain your satisfaction that way. If you want to be supported by a Submissive Gentlemen, open your eyes, expand your search criteria and allow the men who are trying to show you love to get a little closer to you.
We often reject love when it is not presented in the way that we imagine it should come. The bottom line for any Female Led Relationship is an agreement to honor the woman’s choices. If you meet someone who allows you to play the part you want to play, you have created success, even if it does not come with a romantic connection.
It’s just a role you want to play. It’s an interaction you want to have. You can’t demand that someone else interact with you the way that you want them to, you can only appreciate the ones who do offer you the experiences that make you smile.
Don’t give up on love. Love is everywhere.
Give up on demanding that love shows up when you want it and how you want it to.
I feel loved each time I teach a FLR Training Course For Men and they tell me how much I have helped them. I also feel loved each time I see the progress in the women I coach during our FLR Leadership Training.
Appreciation is love. Knowing that I have helped a couple to enjoy each other and have more fun in their relationship feels like love to me.
Redefine your perspective on what it feels like to be loved and then go out and GIVE LOVE every chance you get. Someone will appreciate it and return the love you are sharing.
And if for some reason the love isn’t returned, consider being open to being loved in different ways.
It’s okay to be single. During this time you are meeting new people, opening yourself up to new experiences and really defining what makes you happy. If I had not dated that weirdo who wanted to be my slave, I would not have known that I do not want to be with a slave. If I had not gone out with that guy who told me NO when I asked for something important, I would not have discovered that being told NO is a deal breaker for me.
I am refining what makes me happy each time I encounter someone. When the really awesome man enters into my life, I will know exactly how to recognize him because I have had the chance to experience what I do not want.
The contrast of not having what you want helps you to identify what you do want.
And love yourself. Being around someone who loves who they are is sexy and attractive.
Besides, being in love with life and yourself is really the greatest love of all.