We Should Have Begun Our FLR 30 Years Ago
We’ve been married for 31 years, but our FLR didn’t really begin until I retired. Since my Domme is much younger and still work, many of the household chores, such as cooking, grocery shopping, laundry, etc, fell on me to do, which I didn’t mind. That was more than 5 years ago and what has naturally evolved is an FLR in which I naturally follow her direction on things and now serving Her and pleasing Her is my primary objective each and every day! I have come to address her as Ma’am or Mistress and She treats me respectfully as her lover and servant.
Along the way, She introduced me to wearing silk panties, which I have come to enjoy somewhat. I must have been harboring my feminine side for many years and the lower Testosterone of being >65 yrs old has me feeling more femme all of the time. I tried to resist this at first, but She was there to support and guide me as I began to recognize the feelings and moods that I now get with increasing frequency. On occasion now, She will even privately dress me up in lingerie and treat me as Her girlfriend which was pretty strange at first, but we both have come to really enjoy.
There seems to be no restrictions on what She wants us to do in private – which is so different from earlier in our marriage. I just find myself happy to go along with her wishes and, while humiliating at times, I have come to enjoy being dominated by Her. She is careful to not overdo Her dominance by inflicting physical pain or other BDSM type things on me, but I am punished by various of Her “torments” and “predicaments” that She imposes on me at times.
While we have a great, traditional sexual relationship, She now controls what, when, and where as well as how often. While I am not in a chastity device, I remain very chaste and obedient to Her desires in that area, which is a major change in my behavior. She enjoys leading me in the relationship and, over time, I have come to accept and appreciate her guidance and will on everything from our budget to dining, dressing, major and minor purchases, vacations, movies, etc, etc, etc.
We have discussed how much differently things probably would have turned out had we begun the FLR 30 years earlier. For example, we have discussed all of the dumb mistakes I made in our younger years when I was thinking with my penis, which really denied good logic. Had I been chaste and honoring Her, I would have been a much better husband, father, worker, boss, etc – Just an all around better person. Of course, being that chaste back when my hormones were flowing so rapidly may have been much more difficult, but, in retrospect, really worth the effort, had I really understood. I also did so many things and made so many purchases (cars, boats, etc.) in a futile attempt to be “Macho”, that it was totally ridiculous!
Our relationship continues to evolve and She is always exploring new ways to keep our marriage exciting and fresh. I find myself anxious to learn what She has in mind for the next chapter of our lives!