Kirk Cameron Says Wives Should Follow Their Husband’s Lead
Kirk Cameron is making headlines after an interview with the Christian Post where he stated, “Wives are to honor and respect and follow their husband’s lead, not to tell their husband how he ought to be a better husband.”
Before we burst into flames caused by raucous fits of laughter, let’s consider that Kirk Cameron is merely following what he has been taught by his religion. We can’t blame him for trying to stay aligned to a religion that favors him regardless of his actual skills and natural abilities.
Yes, some men do need to lead their wives. There are many women who do not want to be the leaders in their relationships. Those women need husbands who are more skilled than they are.
But for those of us who are advocates for Female Led Relationships, we are accustomed to being associated with a different type of woman. The women we celebrate are wildly successful, strong and smart. We could allow men to lead us, if we ever met one who was capable, but that would probably never happen.
The best person with the best leadership skills should lead the relationship- period. In our case, because we know women who are truly amazing leaders and thinkers, it will probably always be the woman.
This type of thinking also puts a lot of men in an uncomfortable position feeling like they have to show a certain domination in public (especially church) and leading a totally different life at home. Also being looked at as week if they don’t put on the front that they are the leader, when they are much more comfortable letting their wife/significant other lead.
I appreciate the fact you acknowledge his religous beliefs Miss Queenie…me? Raised the same way but long since have acknowledged women’s superiority!! ?
I feel that putting the woman’s wants, needs, desires as primary and then everything will fall into place as it should. If the woman develops into the leader of the relationship, then so be it, the man and woman are both happy. If the man develops into the leader yet he is still putting the woman first in all things, then both will be happy. By setting the woman as primary in the relationship, it’s a win win for both, no matter which way the relationship develops. Sounds like Kirk Cameron doesn’t value women at all and is only interested in himself.