Sex Is Not Enough To Sustain A FLR
Sperm is our drug of choice. But it’s not enough.
“Raise your glasses, Lads, and drink with me! Here’s to the unspeakable pleasures of a lifetime of ejaculations! Let’s hear it for the joys of penis power!” “Here, here!”
But it’s not enough. Not nearly enough. Not for a lifetime of volunteer slavery. There are just too many bathrooms to scrub, meals to cook, demands to be met.
One thing for sure, without the horny, an FLR doesn’t seem. . . well, it just seems like real slavery.
A life-long, till death do you part, loving Female Lead Relationship cannot be sustained on hard-ons alone. It takes more, much more, to beat the boredom, the tedium of servicing a lifetime of unrelenting demands. It takes heart. Sex alone won’t survive; a servant’s heart will. It’s a historical fact.
The most successful business man who ever lived said it like this, “He who would be greatest among you, must be slave of all.” Not just great, but greatest! Think about it. The most successful author who ever lived is not saying, “I’m the greatest!” He is pointing out at us, saying that the greatest among you must be what? A slave. To everyone.
By the way, if and when you get an M.B.A. from Harvard, you will study this. It’s called, “Servant Leadership”, and it’s been on the cutting edge of business management theory for about forty years now. Why? Because it works.
So has anybody actually done this? Sure. Actually lots of people. Think Mother Theresa, for starters. Around the world, among every tongue and tribe, culture and color, she is the greatest. No argument. She volunteered for a life of slavery to everyone, and ran the race to completion. How did she do it? She did it from the heart.
In the movie, “Chariots of Fire,” the Flying Scotsman, asks the crowd this question, “Where does the power come from?” He muses, “How do you run the race to completion?” Then patting his own heart, he answers, “The power comes from within.” A few minutes later, with the music throbbing, and his head back, racing in the 1924 Olympics to a gold medal, we hear him explain, “God made me fast, and when I run, I feel His pleasure.”
That’s it! When we serve the women we love, we feel God’s pleasure. We have the natural power in our pants, but the extra power we need to see the race to completion, we super-naturally get it in our heart. How do we get it? We ask for it.
It’s my daily petition. “Today, God, help Her see You in me.” I go through my Mistress to the power beyond Her; that is, I go to get my power where She gets Her power. “Today, Lord, help me walk my talk.” “You want me to be a slave, Jesus? Then help me. I can’t do this just on pecker power; I also need Spirit power.”
How do you keep the flame burning after 46 years of marriage and 70 years of life? Not just burning, but brighter than ever! As flammable as testosterone is, it just burns out too quickly. For the long haul, out on the long road, we need to say, “Filler up with some of that high octane God gas, please!” To finish the race, that’s where the power comes from – it comes from within!
Sex is good. Really good! But it’s not enough.
Wow! Well said, and a great reminder of where the power comes from. I identify and agree with your perspective. Thanks!
Serving my woman makes
my life complete. She
gives my life meaning.
I can appreciate the writer of this post. He is coming from a Christian perspective. What I find interesting is his description of “servant-LEADERSHIP. I know in my WLM there is no leadership coming from me. There is support and there is communication, but there is no leadership. I know from reading so many posts on this blog that the author does not profess to males leading in any way whatsoever. Their purpose is to support and follow but not lead.
Second, “He who would be greatest among you, must be slave of all.” Does this mean I can extrapolate that to mean that the one who serves is really the one in charge? I mean, isn’t that what servant leadership is? Leading but also being sensitive and considering the needs of those you lead?
Where does the woman fit into this scenario? She is the leader and yet she is not serving. She’s leading and if that’s all she’s doing and if her husband/partner is submitting who is the greater one? Who is the real leader?
All this to say – when you take something out of context you are left with a confusing conclusion. Personally I believe as the author does. I believe that my role is to serve. I believe that by giving up authority, by choosing to let my wife lead I am both loving her more fully and serving her by placing her above myself.
It’s an interesting and yet complex topic. Thanks for sharing.
Very complex. “Downtown Abbey” and “The Help” are two powerful and excellent dramatizations of this complexity. Watching “The Help”, one can’t help but wonder who is really “in charge.” Likewise with “Downtown Abbey.” The servants often seem like the heroes; the ones who are really the “leaders”. Given the realities of human nature, I think this dilemma is inescapable. Our male acts of loving service for and to our Mistresses “steers” their lives. We prepare the path before them; we open their doors; our service provides them options they would not have without us. We are truly “servant leaders.” But we really don’t want to be. We want to be dominated! Completely, totally. We want them to control us all the time in every way. We want them to lead us entirely. All of this is good. We longings empower us to be good servants. As we perform our services, we impact their lives greatly, and thereby “steer” them unwittingly. Anybody see this differently? Anyone see a way out of this Gordian Knot?