FLR Training For Women- Beginning Week 1
While I am sitting here absolutely FULL of laughter, I decided that I must share my thoughts about what is happening in our FLR Training for Women so far.
Tonight was our first night, but I allowed the women to join the private Facebook group on Friday night. Over the weekend they completed their first assignments which were:
1) Introduce yourself and post a real photo so that we can know who you really are.
2) Write an essay about how you were introduced to FLR and what dominance means to you.
So there are 3 women in our inaugural training group for women. When they signed up it seemed that all of them were having issues with femdom, compliance, confidence and technique.
From the very beginning as the women joined in the private group, I could sense a feeling of excitement, relief and some joy at meeting other women on the same journey. It is not like being on Fetlife where everyone is hiding behind a sexy photo. These are real women in the real world trying to live out this dynamic on a natural level. And as everyone commented on each other’s pictures and read each other’s stories, I was so happy to see the bond forming.
This group runs differently than the first training program that I had for men because now I offer the Conquer Him Academy as a part of the program.
This Academy has the foundational lessons I want to teach all packed in neat little courses. When we meet LIVE each week I do not have to think about teaching principles and we can focus on personalized techniques for each person’s situation! It changes the game, really!
So tonight was the first LIVE TALK, where we met on a video conference call. I had a presentation planned for them to go over the course expectations, protocols and general themes. I had already analyzed each student’s first essays and pulled the main points from each one to include in the presentation.
All of the students were present on the call and available to TALK LIVE so we simply had a discussion about their essays and the major points they wrote about.
This essay was all about how they were introduced to the concept of FLR and I will tell you that I laughed so hard I thought I would pee!
Student 1 described that she had been married to her partner for a couple of years when one day she came home and found him naked, tied up and looking at her expectantly!
Her reaction: What the hell is wrong with him?!!!
Student 2 shared that she had a typically vanilla marriage until her husband began making strange requests.
Me: What did he ask you?
Student 2: He wanted to use butt plugs!
Me: How did you react?
Student 2: I was terrified!
As the hour long discussion went on I laughed so much! The energy was great. Â These were women who were in long term relationships where their partners had expressed a determined need to submit and serve. Although these women had been conditioned to expect the opposite from a relationship, they loved their partners so much that they were open about at least experimenting with FLR and domination.
Some expressed areas they like about FLRs and others areas that seem cumbersome. One student thought it was weird that she found that she likes to give spankings to her husband and I assured her that it is not weird at all.
I see in them all, the beginnings of true loving, femdom wives. They just need help with techniques and perspective.
After the LIVE TALK, I made a list of all of the issues they reported facing and my advice for them. I will share that info with them next week.
This week the Conquer Him Academy lessons are about Awakening Your Inner Goddess, teaching them the mentality behind domination and gaining respect from a submissive male. They will also learn about how to Find Your Dominance Style, where I outlined the 7 Types of Dominant Women that have nothing to do with being a dominatrix. This was important because I want women to know that being dominant does not mean changing your personality. It is about discovering how you like to lead and allowing that to guide your interactions with your partner.
I am so happy that things are going well so far. This is so different from teaching the men. None of these women are offering excuses for why they will not participate like a couple of the submissive men in my last group. The single men in that group, honestly, turned me off from thinking about being in a FLR. I hate when people offer excuses. It is my pet peeve and HARD LIMIT. When I was done with that group, I thought to myself- SINGLE AND LOVING IT!
The stories of these women being so in love and willing to engage their partner’s interests, while being pleasantly delighted by some of the experiences they were introduced are remarkable to me. Through it all they never really gave up on helping their marriage become more exciting and fresh. It kind of makes me wonder if I just give up too easily.
When is a relationship worth fighting for? How do you know someone is worth the investment? Maybe I will pose this question in the private group tomorrow and see why these ladies, when confronted with desires that they were taught were abnormal and wrong, still considered it as an option and in return each found something that they really loved.