Actress Zoe Saldana’s Husband Takes Her Last Name
Zoe Saldana, who starred in Avatar and Guardians of the Galaxy, recently announced that her husband Italian artist Marco Perego has taken her last name after their marriage.
The couple wed in 2013 and now have twin sons Bowie Ezio and Cy Aridio. Zoe says she tried to discourage him from taking her last name but he insisted.
“I tried to talk him out of it. I told him, If you use my name you are going to be emasculated by your community of artists, by your Latin community of men, by the world. But Marco looks up at me and says, ‘Ah, Zoe, I don’t give a damn’,” Zoe told E! Online. “Since I have been with Marco, I have been lowering my guard. Finally when we had our boys I looked at my husband and I realised I was meant for you and you were meant for me” she added.
Do you think this act is indicative of a Female Led Relationship?
I think it’s great. I told my wife of twenty years of marriage that had I known about FLR I would have wanted to take her last name and very proud to do so
I believe this should be standard practice in our society.
I believe when a man gets married he should openly recognize his Wife’s rightful role as the Head of the household, Head of Her husband and family.
If I am ever fortunate enough to meet Ms. Right, and be taken in marriage to serve as Her husband, I would proudly take Her name and become the lawfully wedded Mr. Her Name, and would hope to live openly and without apology as Ms. and Mr. Her Name.
When I first read about this, I thought “you go girl!” Although the thought of my husband taking my last name doesn’t appeal to me, I do think it’s a great way for a man to show just how much he values his wife’s role in his life as the head of their household.
There is only one reason why a husband taking his wife’s last name makes people uncomfortable: Tradition. That is why Zoe tried to persuade her husband not to do it.
I don’t know if Zoe’s marriage is wife-led, but it sounds like it maybe. A wife-led marriage is already contrary to tradition, so one more action like that won’t hurt it 🙂
One observation though. I’m a believer in female supremacy and matriarchy. I’m also for matrilineal naming. I assume that Saldana ia a man’s name? If so, I’d rather they both changed their last names to Zoe’s mother’s name or grandmother’s name.