Cascade Commercial Shows A Subtle FLR In Action
The world is recognizing and understanding our Female Led Relationship community a lot more than we realize. Let’s start with depiction of a subtle yet beautiful FLR in this Cascade Commercial.
The male in the commercial immediately slides over looking for his wife’s approval of his dish washing skills only to be disappointed that something is left on the dish. He then tries to impress her with the good decision he made to save money only to have her correct his intentions by explaining that in the end his choice of dish detergent will cost them double and is not up to her standard. He immediately replies that he is going back to the store and she agrees that he is going back to the store.
From such a quick exchange the average person may not pick up on the nuances that those of us in FLRs understand.
It is clear the husband wants to please his wife. It is clear that he does the grocery shopping and you could imply that he does the dishes. The biggest thing that stood out to me was her response and what they didn’t say. You see his wife didn’t laugh like “You poor stupid man” and say something like “we all make mistakes.” She didn’t offer to go to the store for him, and she didn’t let him off the hook to go later. She sent him back to get it right and did it right then. He didn’t try to convince his wife with a little pre-cleaning and extra packets the soap would work fine. No, she has clearly set expectations for him and he understood that he didn’t meet them and set about correcting himself so that he could meet her standards.
So why is this 15 second commercial so important to our community? Whether you believe that life imitates TV or TV imitates life this commercial is meant to relate to couples. The purpose of this commercial is meant to connect with us and cause us to see ourselves in this couple. That means that either our community is larger than we know or soon will be because executives are spending money to relate to us. I know this commercial is a lot more like my daily life than any site full of kink. It is subtle, so subtle it almost looks natural because to me it is natural.
I’ve noticed this more and more recently, the stereotypical roles reversed. Companies have realised who makes the spending decisions and who has the buying power. Really very clever!
Bravo to Cascade, or their advertising team.
I am glad that society is wakening to a brighter female leader image.
In the old days the character would have to be grumpy, she would have to act like a man if she was leading. They’d say “look who wears the pants in the family” infering that the leader must wear men’s wear. They would say the woman would have to be a bitch, a hag, a nag to lead.
Thanks for letting us know. Could you publish the address (email and snail) to write a thank you to Cascade?
I read/showed this post to my wife. When we watched the video of the commercial, her immediate response was, “I really like that commercial.” She had noticed what you had noticed. I believe there are a hundred such examples of how our world here in the states is changing to one in which women are becoming more empowered and assuming positions of leadership. My hunch is we will see many more such power arrangements in future product sales. Unfortunately using a woman’s body sexually to sell something will also linger for some time.
I like it and hope to see more of the same.