FLR Training Class Update- FINAL REVIEWS
Week 4 of our Female Led Relationship training class for men has ended. The objective of this course was to introduce a common set of standards for men who are preparing for Female Led Relationships.
Course participants were offered daily discussion questions via a private Facebook group, weekly writing assignments, weekly active challenges to get out into the community, weekly LIVE TALK discussions where students can ask questions LIVE, a one on one coaching session devoted to one issue they needed special attention to and weekly feedback on progress in the course.
It was my hope that by introducing information and common standards for service and expectations, that the participants would be encouraged and inspired to raise their standards for what they can offer to a Goddess.
You can view my recaps from each week here- Week 1, Week 2, Week 3
This week, we had the opportunity to hear from Ann C, the author of He Wants to Be the Source of My Happiness during our weekly LIVE TALK. She presented a lesson on Designing Your Role in a FLR. She spoke about her life with her husband and children and how formally recognizing that she was in a FLR made a huge difference in her relationship satisfaction because she no longer resented her husband for not taking control. She said that she appreciates him more now that she knows he honors and trusts her and she happily takes the lead.
This week I also offered a final exam. The exam was based on some of the discussion questions and lessons I taught during the 4 week course. It was created as a review. Not everyone opted to participate in the final exam, but of those who did, I also included a section for feedback about the course. There were 6 students in total, these are the responses from 4 of the students who offered reviews.
Student 1
What do you believe was the biggest benefit of participating? :: It was for me to focus on writing goals and show myself dedication to my desire for an FLR
Please share a time when you learned something new during the course. :: Don’t think I learned anything I didn’t know or suspected already. You do have to lead yourself and no outer authority can do the work for you. It’s is up to each one of us to determine of what we are worthy of and what we allow in our lives.
What was your biggest challenge while participating in the course? :: Doing the live challenges of worship. I really wasn’t comfortable with that. Because of my beliefs of how one should conduct himself.
Is there anything you think could be changed to make this course better? :: More female opinions and experiences in FLR
Would you recommend this course to a friend? Why or why not? :: I don’t think anyone who doesn’t have en FLR would achieve it simply by taking this course. It can be way for one to focus more clearly on his goals, but for the most part, a guy has to figure out on his own how to create a female led relationship for himself.
Student 2
What do you believe was the biggest benefit of participating? :: Because I’m married, the benefit was the knowledge for both of us. For my wife was more “opening mind experience”, because she did listen you very interested (even when she didn’t ask anything during our coaching time) And for me the benefits was to separate the sexual part, with the every day life, and to REALLY think about why do I want a FLR…….
Please share a time when you learned something new during the course. :: For us, the best moment was our coaching time, because we learned how to experience something in real life, instead of only imagine it…..
What was your biggest challenge while participating in the course? :: To really think why i want a FLR and separate from the sexual part, something that I imagine all my life….
Is there anything you think could be changed to make this course better? :: I think it will be really good to give material to read, and then discuss during the class about the reading…..I believe that you can advanced much more.
Would you recommend this course to a friend? Why or why not? :: Yes I would. I believe that is a fantastic course and I’m really sure that you will improve this fantastic idea. And if I can be of any help to you in the future, just talk to me.
Student 3
What do you believe was the biggest benefit of participating? :: Revealing the wonders of a FLR in public – again emphasising the premises of warmth, love and true affection as crucial ingredients of a FLR – being expose to the precious attitudes, sentiments and approaches of fellow submissive men – experiencing the wonderful leadership, initiative and boldness of Goddess Queenie in managing the course … in itself a manifestation of Female superiority and wisdom!
Please share a time when you learned something new during the course. :: I was slightly taken aback by the general consensus amongst the participant submissive men that chastity and humiliation do not necessarily play an integral part in a FLR! The above mentioned phenomenon was indeed a slight surprize as I truly believe – and still believe – that the particular aspects do form an integral part in a loving FLR.
What was your biggest challenge while participating in the course? :: Having to balance the workload and expectations of the course with my own official work load. I respectfully felt that Goddess Queenie was unnecessary tough and severe on me with her general criticism of my participation. It did inhibit my enthusiasm to partook fully in the course … particularly during the latter part of the course. I however respect and accept Goddess Queenie’s particular sentiments about me in an unconditional manner.
Is there anything you think could be changed to make this course better? :: Think the course could be reduced to three weeks and I think more “controversial” and “challenging” subjects could be introduced in the course curriculum. Such as … the necessity of chastity, humiliation and severe punishment of the submissive male if he oversteps in a FLR, the degree of general freedom enjoyed by the Female goddess [sexual freedom She might have, freedom to cultivate other relationships?], the manifestation of a FLR in public, sexual intercourse in a FLR … what is his responsibilities, requirements etc.
Would you recommend this course to a friend? Why or why not? :: Would definitely recommend the course to a friend – particularly an inexperienced first timer who has the urge to cultivate a FLR but not necessarily an experienced submissive male. The course content is aimed as an introduction of nature and aimed for the inexperienced.
Student 4
What do you believe was the biggest benefit of participating? :: The course forced me to spend more time thinking honestly about the benefits and challenges of a FLR. it’s easy to get caught up in fantasy but to actually think and write down feelings was very helpful in self discovery.
Please share a time when you learned something new during the course. :: I learned FLR is about team work, love and respect. Too many times people, including myself, blur the lines between femdom and FLR. This course helped me separate the two.
What was your biggest challenge while participating in the course? :: Meeting the assignments on time. With family and work commitments it was hard to put in as much effort as I wanted to. there is so much more I could have done to participate and for that I am deeply sorry Goddess.
Is there anything you think could be changed to make this course better? :: allow individuals to hear recordings of the Tuesday events in case they could not attend. I would have loved to hear the conversation with the real life FLR couple that you had on. I am so sad that I missed it.
Would you recommend this course to a friend? Why or why not? :: absolutely. The reason is this course is real, it makes everyone think hard about their desires and life choices. Also I personally feel asking people to volunteer to help at a women’s center was one of the best parts of the course. I hope over time you will provide resources to allow men to easily find ways to volunteer to help women. It’s actually harder than you think to find a good place that would value the usefulness of a man.
My Thoughts
This was my first time teaching a 4 week group coaching program and I will admit it made me proud of myself to see it through to completion despite the many obstacles that occurred. I was unable to introduce even half of the information that I had initially prepared because early on I saw that it was a challenge for the men to keep up and I had to remind myself that this was extra curricular for the students and to take it easy.
All of the men in this group were extremely respectful, honest about their shortcomings and eager to grow as men. I learned from each of them, finding a sense of pride as they shared their life stories and sentiments around their desire to serve. I know what it feels like to want something, to yearn to find your place in this world. For these men, their place is serving a wonderful Goddess.
Attempting to share common standards for a happy FLR while encouraging individuality was a bit tough because although these men are submissive, they each came with their own set of standards and expectations for their own lives. Keeping this in mind as I managed the course, my goal was to affirm them, remind them of the honor it is to be submissive in a Female Led Relationship and teach them how to add value to the lives of the women they love.
I believe my mission was completed.
My next group coaching program is for women. It begins on July 28th and will run for 4 weeks. We will work on themes of empowerment, emotional strength, organizational skills and dominance. I plan to do things a bit differently this time but always keeping the same standards of excellence.
If you or your wife would like to meet with me and a group of dynamic, dominant women each week to discuss Female Led Relationships in an intimate setting, register for our Female Led Relationship training for women.
Thank you again for being a part of the growth of ConquerHim.Com.
Leave a comment to share your thoughts about what has been presented on this site thus far.
Just want to respectfully express my gratitude to Goddess Queenie again for managing this course – Goddess is certainly a champion and I am deeply thankful for the opportunity and privilege not only to have submitted assignments to Goddess Queenie … but to have met Goddess Queenie.
I respectfully and humbly request Goddess Queenie to kindly – if at all possible – consider allowing us [students of Goddess’s first completed course] “observer status” on the already established Facebook site … during Goddess’s future similar courses.
This possible huge favour from Goddess Queenie will further enrich our lives as male submissives and provide additional crucial information for us to internalize and act upon. It will also maintain our biblical cord connection with Goddess Queenie … as I have no doubt in my mind that every single one of us first pioneer male submissives are following Goddess Queenie’s deliberations enthusiastically as we are all simply in awe of Goddess Queenie.
Thank You so much Wonderful Goddess Queenie.
No. The private Facebook group is for students only.
It’s an interesting array of responses, proof that there is no single one-size-fits-all cookie-cutter poster couple to model the ‘perfect’ Female Led Relationship. Thankfully, we’re all unique. I’m sure any ‘beginners’ amongst the participants gained something from the experience. For a young unattached male in search of an empowered Goddess to serve and support it can seem like a steep formidable climb. Just to know that there are many of us who care must surely be heartening.
Just a few observations (and I didn’t do the course, so I may be talking out of school, in which case I expect to be reprimanded) … simply some differences from what my Lady would find acceptable. That’s all they are, no right or wrong, just differences. My Lady would not stand for one moment me fawning over her in an attempt to get her to change her mind after she had already given me an unambiguous directive. I’ll leave it at that.
I am required to practise orgasm control, although not with a device, and I agree that it can be powerful aspect to a FLR. My Lady prefers to witness my unconditional surrender to her slightest wishes and whims.
There’s more, but I must go. I hope what I have written provokes thought and discussion.