Is FLR A Game?
During the FLR Leadership Coaching Program For Women I get this question a lot: Are Female Led Relationships based on a game that the couple engages in?
Unfortunately the answer is not cut and dry. I answer this question based on the woman who presents it.
No man wants a FLR to be a game. Men interested in Female Led Relationships want a strong and powerful woman who sets high standards for them that they can strive to achieve. They want a sincere woman who understands her power and is not afraid to apply it to their relationship.
Some women, on the other hand, have to be taught how to engage their power. There are women who have the seeds of greatness but have used their feminine powers sparingly. These women are taught that FLR is NOT a game. I teach them how to harness their power, I awaken their inner Goddess and coach them on how to take full advantage of her spirit at all times. She has been inundated with messages that women must be meek and mild, should never demand anything from others, and are born to serve men. I offer her permission to dismiss this belief and I practice with her with real life scenarios and challenges to help her to engage her power on a consistent basis.
FLR is a game for some women. Some women take my FLR Leadership course and during the initial stages discover that they are typically submissive and expressing power does not appeal to them. These women can still participate in a FLR but they have to be taught how to do it like a game.
I teach them how to discover what they want from a relationship, how to express those desires and how to ensure that they are attended to by their partner. In order to do this where the woman feels comfortable I teach her a system for implementing protocols, how to keep tabs on her partner’s progress and how to institute rewards and repercussions so that he understands that her needs are important and can not be ignored.
Is FLR a game?
If it has to be.
Every couple can have a FLR as long as the man places the woman’s happiness as a priority but not every woman is capable of being a leader. In this case a system of protocols can be established and the woman who is timid and meek can transform into a woman who is demanding and as powerful as she wants to be.
Check out our FLR Leadership Program for Women. You can offer it as a gift to the woman you love. This course will change your life!