Join Our Writing Team
Do you love to read, research and share your opinions about the world? We want you to join our writing team.
Conquer Him and our sister sites Female Led Society, Loving FLR and My Savvy Sisters are developing a team of contributing writers to help expand our content and our voice in the digital world.
We are looking to create a team of writers who can share opinions about the world through the lens of a Female Led Society.
Does that new commercial, book or movie everyone is talking about help promote a Female Led Society? Tell us about it.
How can women overcome personal issues and develop the confidence they need to establish a Female Led Relationship? Share your wisdom.
Was there a new research study released that shares similar ideas to support a Female Led Society? Share the findings with us.
Which celebrity couple do you suspect is involved in a Female Led Relationship? Tell us who they are and why you believe this to be true.
Which up and coming female leaders and entrepreneurs do you believe are shining examples of how women can help change the world? Introduce us to them.
How can men help overthrow antiquated ideas of patriarchy to empower women to be great? Share your theory.
Who are the men who are empowering women of the world? Write about them.
Why have you decided to support a Female Led Society and how are you actively doing this? Share your personal story.
What do you love most about being in a Female Led Relationship? Tell us about it. We want to celebrate with you.
When you join the Female Led Society writing team you will be added to a special list of contributors and you will be sent periodic announcements with story ideas for you to consider writing. Aside from writing assignments, you are encouraged to suggest ideas for stories you would like to write.
I am a professional blogger and journalist with more than 10 years experience in my field and more than 2,000 blog posts and articles under my belt. I can help you develop your idea and polish up your writing.
At this time there is no financial compensation for contributors. Regular contributors will receive advance notice and free access to select online and in person events as well as free merchandise as it becomes available.
When you see a woman working diligently for a cause that empowers women, it should be your instinct to support her mission. You can support Conquer Him by joining our writing team or offering a donation.
Help spread the word about Female Led Relationships and a Female Led Society. Your voice is the leverage we need to change the world.
Send an email to Queenie at ConquerHim Dot Com telling me about your interest in writing for us and I will give you a trial assignment. If you have an idea for a story you want to contribute just let me know.
I look forward to working with you!
Te-Erika “Queenie” Patterson