Nikola Tesla Predicts Female Superiority
Often overlooked as one of the most important pioneer scientists and inventors, Nikola Tesla is a 20th-century Serbian-American well known for creating the alternating (AC) electricity system and being a rival to Thomas Edison.
Of the 300 patents he filed for his inventions during his lifetime, only a few would garner the attention they deserved and Tesla died alone without the world ever properly recognizing him for his ability to independently create a vision for breakthrough technology and then bring that vision to life.
Many reports indicate that he would see a visual image of a type of technology and then he would create that technology in reality without straying from the vision he saw in his mind. These created visions led the world to the basis of some of our most treasured technological advances to date.
In the 1920’s Tesla also described a future of interconnected communication that could be what we experience today as the internet and social media. In 1901 he attempted to create a tower that would facilitate this electrical communication system but was unable to complete it due to lack of funding.
Among other visions for the future that he believed would come to pass Tesla was also quoted as describing a future where women would be viewed as superior to men.
“This struggle of the human female toward sex equality will end in a new sex order, with the female as superior,” Tesla predicted. “It is not in the shallow physical imitation of men that women will assert first their equality and later their superiority, but in the awakening of the intellect of women.”
While I am not a believer in the concept of superiority based on gender, I can appreciate the idea that the progress of humankind will be elevated tremendously when women are encouraged to recognize their greatness and contribute without hindrance to the advancement of the human race.
Thank you for this, I knew Nikola Tesla was a much overlooked inventor but I had not realised that he was also such a perceptive social visionary. Even if the superiority of the female gender in so many ways is now so obvious, in Tesla’s time and culture this was a huge leap in perception.
As time moves towards the end of the world it is no surprise that this may happen as this would help the world get into a hat situation faster