Personal Guidance Gentlemen Training Recap
Two gentlemen who wished to learn more about how to create a Loving Female Led Relationship have participated in Conquer Him’s training program. Both men had the option of taking the online self-guided training program for men where they can log in online, view the video lessons and learn at their own pace or choose the personal guided coaching program for men so that they could interact with me privately, ask questions and receive feedback on their personality and character.
Both men opted to take the personal guided coaching. Today I want to share how these sessions went.
The first man was a man with doubts about his ability to find the right woman for a FLR. He was extremely excited to continue his search and receive feedback from me. During your personal guided training we make an appointment to meet for 5 consecutive days at your convenience, regardless of your time zone.
When he and I met he shared some of his past history with relationships as well as other tidbits about himself. From interacting with him over the course of the week, giving him homework assignments to be completed before the next class and listening to him speak of what he desired I was able to get to know him well. He was extremely smart, handsome and an excellent communicator. He asked the best questions of any man I had ever trained and I told him so.
He was always extremely honest with me as I helped him to reframe his beliefs about himself and his options. We discovered that he really wanted a femdom relationship, we worked on improving his online dating profiles, we discovered that one of his past issues was really not as big as he once thought it was and I offered him a bit of tough love by really giving him the feedback he needed to correct his mistakes.
I learned that he was actually the leader of his last relationship. It was interesting because although he was a leader, he was only leading her to do things that would benefit her and make her life better. Was this truly a Female Led Relationship? I was on the fence about that. Although this woman needed him to push her to prosper, every suggestion he gave her would empower her for her own benefit instead of his.
While he may believe that he is submissive, I did not come to view him as such. During the week when I gave him assignments he did not do them properly. I never go into training aiming to test a man’s submission. I am not a pro domme. I am not a sadist. I am a teacher.
What I have learned from countless hours training men is that truly submissive men have a yearning, an impulse, to do tasks and assignments correctly. They want to please the person they are with and they receive joy from doing assignments correctly. When a man truly wants to please you, you don’t have to ask him twice or demand anything from him. He does it because it makes him feel joyful to meet your standards and requests. He did not do this. In fact, he offered several excuses for not doing his tasks, tasks that would only benefit him, I might add. I found this to be annoying and I told him so.
By the end of the training he thanked me for my honest feedback. He then asked if I could recommend a woman for him based on the women in the Conquer Him Community. I told him that I could not. Why?
“You are not dependable,” I shared with him.
He shared that he thought my opinion was harsh.
“I am not here to read a couple of sentences to you, take your money and let you go,” I told him. “I want to offer you the keys to becoming a better man so that you can help support a Powerful woman. My goal is to help you to become a changed man and I have to be honest with you.”
“I am dependable. How can I change your view of me?”
“It’s not up to you to change my view of you. We are not dating. You have to prove to yourself and the next woman you date that you can be counted on to be her support.”
“How do I do that?”
“All you have to do is, when you meet a woman you admire, decide on two things that you want to do for her. Do them without hesitation and be consistent,” I told him. “When you see that you are consistent, add another task and do it without her asking. As you continue to be supportive of her consistently, if she shows appreciation, ask her what other things you can do to make her life easier. If she responds favorably, you have created your FLR.”
The second man that I worked with was located on the other side of the world. He first opted to take the online self-guided training program but when I checked in on his progress he mentioned that he had questions. I encouraged him to do the personal guided training so that we could meet and he signed on. Instead of meeting for 5 days in a row, I gave him the option of doing all of the lesson reviews in one day since he traveled quite a bit. Since he had already viewed the lessons I would offer him a 3 hour discussion session where we could get to know each other privately and give him feedback on any questions he had.
Getting to know him was a pleasure. He has such an interesting life filled with travels and adventures and learning about new cultures. He shared that he had been in his industry for 30 years and had experienced success. He decided that since he was satisfied with his progress he would dedicate himself to helping others to achieve their business goals.
He wanted a new relationship and wondered if he was too old to create one. I quickly corrected him, assuring him that as long as he is useful and supportive, a smart woman would be glad to have him.
I taught him how to create a FLR from any relationship and invited him to join the Conquer Him Community. I was thoroughly impressed by his character, his wit and his personality. I am certain other women will be too.
When our 3 hour session was done, he offered me rave reviews on how well put together my training program was. I invited him to do a written review and he submitted it the next day.
I was looking for material on FLR to better understand the dynamics and how I can further contribute to it and also find my place into it. There is a lot of material available on the www but alas not much valuable content. Also many websites lead to femdom or any other type of adult content.
While looking I did come across the website and the first thing which struck me was the easy and clear overview it gave. When digging a bit deeper I was happily surprised to find that there was valuable content, a modelling on submissive and dominants, and concrete tips on behavior and much more.
Seeing a subscription usually is a no go for me as you never know what you sign up for I did get confidence in doing it when I heard Miss Te-Erika talk. Especially her passion with regards to the topic was for me the point of decision.
Having subscribed into the course, I took much value of the topics. They were well prepared, thought about, presented in a clear and concise way and very professionally done. As I have been for nearly 30 years in corporate life I have seen many presentations from ugly, moderate over good to excellent. This one for me was nearing the excellent level. It was clear that She spend a lot of time in putting the material together. It was really worth the money.
I was happily surprised that She follows up on her clients and we talked via email and decided for a one on one session to get thru the main points again and help me get further guidance.
We had an amazing online session on April 29th. I was very pleased that She took the time and helped me further understand any points which would not be clear.
One of the things I told Her was that in Her emails I could notice Her dominant nature. Her time is important, She likes it well structured, She likes clear commitments, likes punctuality, etc. These for me are all the signs of a power dominant and I absolutely adored it. The training session was real fun and She made me laugh a couple of times. The fact of seeing Her dominant nature was another good point for me as I saw I was in expert hands.
So in ending I can really recommend anyone to go through this course, both women and men. You will find a great person in Miss Te-Erika, who is not only inspirational but also passionate about FLR and very funny.
Always happy to talk directly to anyone via Miss Te-Erika to validate this credential.
Thank You again Miss Te-Erika aka Queenie.
There may be men who are wondering what they are doing that is stopping them from having the Female Led Relationship they desire. When you meet with me privately and share your life honestly, I can offer you the correction you need to change things around. I will tell you which type of FLR you are best suited for, help you decide if you are truly suited for a FLR, help you to remove the blocks you have around your ability to create a good relationship, offer you feedback and TOUGH LOVE on how you communicate and present yourself as well as offer tips on how to attract the kind of woman you want and where to find her.
If this is what you need, an honest and objective opinion from someone who truly cares to see you create a good relationship, sign up for my training program or send me an email to ask any questions.
My mission is to help each man become a model candidate for a FLR with a Powerful woman and to connect the men I meet with the Powerful women that I know. This is not just a job for me, this is a vital part of my personal mission to empower women to fulfill their greatness. Every great woman can benefit from having an amazing man supporting her. Do you truly want to empower a woman? Are you up to the challenge?
Dear Queenie,
Thanks for those fascinating recounts. I’m just curious about the second man’s review. Did he capitalize “She” and “Her” when referring to you at your insistence, or was that something he did of his own accord?
Hi Mark. This student wrote this on his own accord. These were personal LIVE trainings however, I do not present myself as anyone’s dominant or mistress. I am a teacher and advocate for submissive gentleman. I do not advise men show signs of submission to women they are not in a relationship with. To me it signifies their desperation like proposing marriage to every woman they meet.