Sacrifice Is A Man’s Duty In a Female Led Relationship
I believe that in a Female Led Relationship a man should always be willing to sacrifice for the Woman in his life. It’s no secret that people’s agendas and goals do not always match up perfectly in relationships. When this happens a man should be prepared to put the Woman before himself.
Sacrifice for a Woman in a FLR can take many forms. Indeed, it depends almost entirely on what the Woman in the relationship seeks and desires. But a man in an FLR should be prepared to give some things up sometimes if he expects the relationship to be successful. If a Woman is particularly educated and career oriented then a man should never hesitate to give up on his own career ambitions to further and defend the goals of the Woman in the relationship. For instance it’s no secret that men should take more of a role in child-rearing. If the Woman in the relationship finds herself pregnant, her man should be prepared to take on the parenting at home if the Woman requires it of him. This of course may mean that he may have to give up career ambitions to be a stay-at-home dad at home, but as the submissive he should be mentally prepared for this prospect.
In the above example some reading this may conclude that this amounts to little more than a gender role reversal. Indeed, it’s not hard to think of it this way. But, there is nothing inherently “feminine” about sacrificing for one’s partner. There is nothing inherently “masculine” about being a leader. To the contrary, FLR includes couples with Feminine leaders and masculine submissives and by entering into a FLR men should eagerly sacrifice the biggest thing that society has traditionally bestowed upon men – male privilege.
For instance, a previous post dealt with the prospect of husbands taking the last names of their Wives. Sometimes this may even occur if the Wife doesn’t necessarily ask her husband to do so. Taking the Wife’s name can be a good way for a man to jettison undeserved privilege and demonstrate to the whole world his commitment, devotion, and subservience. The same can be true for the children in an FLR being given the Mother’s name to fully demonstrate the matriarchal nature of the marriage.
Actions such as a man changing his last name to that of his Wife may be seen as a loss for a man. It could be seen as a loss of status and a loss of privilege. Patriarchy fetishizes male power and this act can serve as the ultimate act of devotion. A Female Led Relationship places the Woman’s desires and happiness above all else. By giving up this privilege and encouraging Women to take the lead in relationships, businesses, and governments, men can reach a higher level and gain much more in the end.
When Women lead, everyone wins. Men will gain by basking in the glow of their superior partners. Our societies will win when Women can utilize their unparalleled wisdom and spirituality to build a more egalitarian and prosperous world. When men sacrifice for Women and put Women first, men will gain the satisfaction that comes with being part of something bigger than themselves.
Great read! Very useful for bonding at a deeper level.
This sounds like some twisted mined feminist article..saying mam privileged. ..I bet you don’t believe in God either? . If you did you will know man created in god image..and woman created from mam to be his help mate and pillow not lead him…..Only way one believes different he or she is not of God…
A man taking his partner’s last name is more than just reversing the old patriarchy custom of the woman assuming her husband’s name. In those days it was expected, indeed ..demanded, that the wife changes her name. Now, in society in general, and FLR in particular, it is a choice of the couple who takes and who keeps what name. If a man takes his wife’s name in a FLR it is because he chooses to offer his partner this wonderful gift of subjugating his former identity as a self centered male for a new identity, which recognizes and honor’s the woman’s priority in the marriage. And if the children of the union bear their mother’s name, it shouts to the world that in this FLR family the tired old patriarchal custom of the children having the husband’s name to demonstrate ‘ownership’ by the man is null and void. The primary parent is always the mother and therefore the children should bear her name. Whether the husband, as the secondary parent, is the biological father is irrelevant, since the mother chooses him to be her children’s nurturer and caregiver because he is worthy of the privilege due to his love and devotion to her, and not simply because he may or may not have provided her with sperm. Welcome to the post-patriarchy.
It is likely that men who have been given the opportunity to serve a Goddess will need to make personal sacrifices during the course of the relationship although, from personal experience, it truly is amazing how quickly those ‘sacrifices’ turn into blessings. My Lady has correctly identified many ways my behaviour and attitude can be improved in order to be a better and more dependable servant to her, and continues to do so. The things I gave up to please her now seem so utterly insignificant compared to what I have gained under her loving guidance.
I agree that a man ought to take his Goddess’s last name in marriage, if that is her preference. It is an appropriate symbolic gesture of respect. I’ve always felt that hyphenated last names should be considered by non-FLR married couples. Ronae said it well: Welcome to the post-patriarchy. About time.
I would take a woman’s last name, I would expect to. She is my leader, and I would be honored to take her name as well as my role in the relationship being only to enhance her leadership. My life would revolve around her, her happiness, her needs, and her desires. She would have my masculinity on tap, and I would sacrifice anything she wanted me to, or needed me to, willingly, to enhance our relationship. I would have full trust in her judgement, and all decisions would be hers. I believe relationships work best, when there is a female leader. It’s time more men stepped aside and gave their wives and girlfriends the power they deserve. It’ll make for a better world. The future is female!
I also agree with the post. As a single man, I treat all Women this way. I’ll gladly sacrifice my time for a Ladys needs. This way I’m showing Her how she deserves to be treated and probably in the future She will expect it from all men.