
The Problem With Submissive Men

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After completing my latest FLR Training for Men, I sat back and thought about my experience. This training experience was completely different from the first training. The first training had guest speakers but I didn’t have formal presentations, just talks (audio). We didn’t use webcams to talk to each other and I hadn’t created Conquer Him Academy yet so they didn’t have access to the lessons online. I did challenge the men to support and empower women in their communities by giving them specific tasks to complete over the course of 4 weeks. This part of the training was not required of my most recent group.

For some silly reason I figured that men who signed up for a 4 week long course would be eager to participate in the assignments, challenges and class talks but I was wrong. I became frustrated with them and afterwards, I wasn’t too keen on coaching men again. This time I took a different approach that saved me a headache.

I changed the coaching program from 4 weeks to 1 week and presented the most important foundational information first. Those who were able to grasp the information and participate according to my standards would be able to move on to receive more of my time and attention.

After a bit of self examination, I realized that I place a high value on my time and attention. If I am offering my skills and wisdom, I expect them to be appreciated. I recognized that I equate compliance with appreciation. After coaching the first group of men, I felt unappreciated. I had to change my mentality in order to continue to offer this service. Just because a man isn’t capable of appreciating what I have to offer, doesn’t mean his opinion defines my value.

Instead of demanding that all of the men in my recent training course complete the requirements to my satisfaction, I simply observed to take note of those who did so willingly and allowed the rest to do what they wanted to do. This is a great way to weed out the men who are pretending to be submissive so that they can get their kinks fulfilled and those who truly appreciate being connected with a powerful woman.

Of the 5 men who participated in this month’s training, only 2 met the criteria to move forward with more advanced coaching, challenges and support. This way, I won’t have to waste time cajoling men to take advantage of my support and I can work with men who value my input.

What were some of the common issues I noticed while engaging with submissive men?

Offering Excuses


When men offer excuses for why they can’t perform simple tasks, I consider this to be an admission that they aren’t capable of supporting a powerful woman and they should be disregarded.

Needing Reminders

I am not into yelling at men, forcing them to comply or trying to reason with them as to why listening to my instructions would benefit them. One more than one occasion I had to remind some of the men to complete their assignments on time, and with one man, I had to remind him twice. I was astounded by my own patience. I hate to repeat myself. When I am offering assistance to others, I do not have to be reminded to deliver what I promised. Guess what? He still didn’t complete the assignment.

Either he had no respect for me or this could be his silent petition to be dominated and forced to comply. He may be the type of man who needs a woman to yell at him in order for him to be inspired to make a move. These type of men are to be avoided at all costs. When you have to expend energy forcing a man to do what is best for him, it lets you know that he is not smart enough to support you in your quest for greatness. He is, in essence, making the entire relationship about him when he should be dedicated to making your life easier.

It is very likely that he wants someone less resourceful and wise than he is so that he can feel like he is the top dog. This will hold him back in life. When a man desires to connect with a woman who is less resourceful than he is, he limits their progress as a couple because they are never going to move further than his singular mental capacity will allow them to go. Choosing a less intelligent partner is a limitation in itself, serving the ego but sabotaging the potential of both parties involved.

Being Ashamed of their Submission

Men who participated in the FLR Training Program expressed a fear that others would find out that they are interested in Female Led Relationships. For some reason these men are drawn to a relationship dynamic that induces shame. Sadly the reason they were ashamed to be associated with FLRs is because they believed FLRs are expressed by being with a bitchy dominatrix type of woman who subjugates them at all times. They are ashamed of it yet they desperately want this.

If this is what you are looking for in a relationship then Conquer Him (With Love)is not for you. I highly discourage women from interacting with men in this way and there should be no need to when you are connected with a man who is devoted to supporting you. I’m inspiring true leadership through powerful women. How can she change the world when she is too busy playing dress up and catering to his fantasies?


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