The Trick To Getting A Man To Be Submissive
When single women learn about the concept of Female Led Relationships many of them are afraid of it. Others immediately reject the concept because it will mean that they have to learn how to think for themselves and walk away from the “right path” of submission that was introduced to them during their youth.
Then there are those women who become intrigued by the concept of a Female Led Relationship, hoping it will become their saving grace from a life time of bad relationships with men who did not value them.
These women contact me or sign up or my Female Led Relationship training so that they can finally learn how to make a man value them. They eagerly await my instruction but I am afraid my advice does not line up with their expectations.
They want a formula for submission. They want me to teach them how to guarantee that a man will love them.
They want me to say- These are the rules to making any man become your submissive.
They are looking for a trick, a certain phrase or protocol to ensure that the man they are interested in becomes devoted to them.
As I get to know them by asking them questions I realize that a fair amount of these women are really submissive women who say they want to learn how to be dominant but they really want to learn how to stop being hurt.
Dominance is tough to teach but it can be taught to the right woman who is focused on herself rather than trying to catch a man. This simple goal is the beginning of dominance and the beginning of establishing a FLR.
To end the cycle of being emotionally wounded by relationships a woman must learn to become focused on herself. She must begin the process of becoming as amazing as she can become. She must learn who she is, what she wants from life and start the process of getting there before she has a relationship. She must learn how to put her own needs first. She must discover what those needs are and accept that they are important and stop putting the comfort of others above her own needs.
A woman who is preparing to access her dominance should not be focused on figuring out how to make a man become submissive. Submissive men are everywhere and they are usually attracted to a woman on a mission to create a wonderful life for herself.
Having to wrestle emotionally with a man, encourage him to be submissive or trick him is a strategy that average women use to snag a man so that they will feel validated. They may use tactics to win a man over but a truly strong and dominant woman understands that SHE IS THE PRIZE.
But if I must offer some way to help you understand what you need to do to begin the process of becoming a Goddess and experiencing the admiration of men, this is the only trick that I know of.
Understand that you are the prize.
Decide on the type of treatment that you want.
Accept nothing less than what you feel you deserve. Never compromise.
Become comfortable prospering alone so that you will not compromise your standards to snag a companion.
If you do these things you will never have to even mention the words Female Led Relationship to a man. You will never have to learn how to introduce punishments or protocols or wear leather or buy a chastity belt. They will honor you when they see that you value yourself.
Just be who you are, learn how to lead yourself and enjoy life for what it is right now because there are no guarantees that you will ever get what you want. If it never happens, if you remain single forever you should still be able to live a fulfilling life. It IS possible. The only guarantee that you have is the fact that while you are alive, every day you make the choice to be happy.
If you are depending on a man’s arrival to spark your happiness, you are allowing him to control your life. If you want a FLR and the man you want one with does not want to be submissive that is a definite sign that he is not the one for you. It is simple.
No tricks involved.
If you would like further support and encouragement on how to become a Goddess, check out our leadership program for women.
Great article!
I’d only add one advice to those women,
There are millions of men who believe you are a goddess and therefore want desperately to worship you! Can all of them be wrong? Believe it. Once you do, your self esteem will shoot up. Your self confidence will be jumping from your eyeballs LOL. And men will run to you like hatched turtles run to the sea.
Queenie (and Becky), I’m unhappy to disagree to the fullest with you at your own website but this is just not the case. Authentic, relationship skilled, self-aware L/lifestyle submissive males are actually rare. There are a LOT of liars, hustlers and fantasists out here, especially recently with the worldwide economic fails. So many are imposters attempting to find pushover sugar mommas, sex slave “wife” types and more!
If there are millions of L/lifestyle submissive men who “worship” Dominas seeking to partner there wouldn’t be one dominant single hetero, bi or pan woman seeking a male submissive!
Where on this planet do you live, Becky?!? 😉
“And, men will run to you like hatched turtles run to the sea.”
One way to make a man submissive is to train him to associate submission with pleasure or operand conditioning. Everything should be done in small steps so that the man does not realize he is being conditioned to be submissive to a woman. There are some things that men will find very pleasurable but will also see as being submissive.