Men Have Unrealistic Expectations For a FLR
I recently joined I joined because like many who are seeking a female led relationship they realize it’s easier said than done. I’m a regular guy leading a regular life. I have nothing against the traditional relationship and to be honest traditional relationships have a been major part of my life as I imagine they have been to many of those reading this.
About 15 years ago I was introduced to a FLR. I met her at a masquerade party by chance. We started dating and enjoying each others company like most couples. She gradually started taking more and more control of the relationship. She took control in a subtle way. We would discuss doing something and she would make the decision as to how we go about it. She would ask me to do something for her in a respectful way. But I always knew she just wasn’t asking. But because we got along so well I never had a problem her take charge approach. When two people care for each other it shouldn’t matter who’s in charge. I was totally comfortable with the it. It felt totally natural. It was one of the most loving relationships I’ve had the pleasure of being involved in.
It’s the misconceptions of an FLR that I think stigmatize those who seek it. Mention an FLR to most people and images of a woman clad in leather whipping a guy in diapers. FLR is not about that. A FLR happens when a man and a woman comes to the realization than they’re happiest with her being the authority. It doesn’t necessarily have to do with any particular kink.
Not every man is a leader and not every woman is a follower. I found being in a FLR allowed me to be the kind of guy I truly am. I love women. I love being a gentleman. I love being there for the woman I care for. I’ve always believed that it takes a very confident man to be involved with a dominant woman and not feel intimidated or threatened. It takes a very intelligent man to realize the benefits of having an intelligent, dominant woman in his life who loves him. It shouldn’t matter if she’s the boss. I don’t mind saying that I think it’s not only sexy for a woman to be the boss in a relationship but more natural as well. Ever since I was a teenager I’ve always been attracted to strong, intelligent, dominant women.
By now you’ve noticed I haven’t used the term “submissive’. It because most dominant women aren’t any different than women who are not dominant. They want all the same things that any other woman wants. The only difference is they prefer to be the boss. A dominant woman wants to be able to decide what direction her relationship will go. She stills wants a guy to be intelligent and make a lot of the small decisions and to be able to discuss things with her like any other couple but the big decisions are usually hers.
Be smart and realistic of your expectations. Too many guys think that FLR has to do with constant kink; that it means that the woman has to be constantly giving orders. Not true. For one thing there’s this thing called life that you have to attend to as well. Secondly, giving someone orders constantly would be like having a second job. These are unrealistic expectations.

What happened to the relationship that you described? I agree with what you wrote on how to approach a relationship with a powerful woman. I am also looking for a relationship that you described.
The kink part occupies so much of our
How do we address the constant impulses we experience in this new FLR? Our inner senses constantly being stimulated almost out of control, this is so bizarre , never experienced so much inner sensation. It is as if she knows and I must come up to her level.