Where Does A Woman’s Strength Come From?
There are some women who crumble under pressure. There are others who seem to never sweat over the lows of life. There are even women who take a few tumbles before they understand this very important lesson but when they do, they become the women who become legends in their own right.
The women of Conquer Him are learning how to become legendary by exemplifying strength in every area of their lives. We are becoming women who people whisper about, saying – How does she do it?
We are transforming into women who skate right past obstacles and shift into high gear when confronted with uncertainty.
It’s very simple. Women who have the strength of a Goddess understand that everything that happens can be transformed into a situation that will benefit her. She looks at life as a gift to her and each day may present new challenges, but they are presented with a shiny bow.
There is no situation that you will not recover from. There is no person or force that can present itself to you that you can not use as a tool to propel you to where you want to be.
When you are a woman of strength, you turn down the volume on fear so much that it becomes a whisper. That tingling sensation that accompanies fear is really just an alarm going off to let you know that your next level in life has presented itself.
Even if confronted with a potential loss, the woman of strength will use that loss to initiate her next adventure. There is no such thing as loss, there is only transformation from one situation to the next.
Your strength comes from your ability to sit still during any storm, create a perspective where you have an advantage as a result of the situation and capitalize on it.
There is nothing that can stop you. You are a Goddess.