Women In Leadership Are Better Quality Than Male Counterparts
Thank you very much for allowing me entry to your site for the promotion of and transformation of our society towards one in which, females lead and society supports the leadership of women in general. We have clearly moved beyond having token females here and there in leadership, as well as the occasional breaking of a glass ceiling.
For many years I have noted that women in leadership roles are by and far for the most part head and shoulders above their male counterparts both in terms of ability and performance. So I have supported them, and even sought them out whole-heartedly. Likewise I have looked for and obtained the very best in terms of medical, legal, and other professional services. And in doing so, all of my physicians, most of my attorneys, and a mixture of other professionals are female. Likewise, most of the candidates I vote for are female. For me, that meant keeping the “relationship” professional, albeit on in which we each experienced the other’s company from a perspective based upon the woman’s expertise—expertise that created both the need for me to listen to what she had to say, and one in which we both expected me to accept her instructions.
Likewise, this was true even when knowledge was shared from a colonoscopy in which she had taken a very intimate look into my colon and large intestines! Granted, in all but one of these “relationships” the woman in question was married. So, for me, this was not about an opportunity for a FLR, but instead, an opportunity for each of us to experience a Female-Led Society where women are taking the most important roles, and an opportunity for men like me to be permitted to demurely be a part of their world as the women exert and experience their dominant position. Moreover, in every case I have been better off for having received the very best of service—be it medical, dental, legal, or other service.
So my heart leapt when I stumbled upon your site, which I believe will help us transition from the present patriarch to one that soars as a matriarchal society led by and for women. I have no idea how many are in, or entering female-led relationships in their personal life. But can you as a male imagine the pride your FLR partner would have in you were she to talk with one of the professional women, and hear how you fully accepted one or another of these professional women as your societal leaders? In like manner, she can take pride knowing that female politicians not only have the majority of the female vote, but also much of the male vote from people like you and I.
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Unfortunately, there is not scientific, peer reviewed studies supporting this notion. But then again, women do not need logic and evidence when they have their emotions instead,