
2 Responses to “FLR- Reality And Funtasy

  • For me, A Black Female Supremacy relationship is a committed, loving union in which the Woman’s happiness, satisfaction and progress are the primary focus in the relationship. We whitebois ensure that the Black Woman has everything that She needs to create a wonderful life for Herself and Our/our relationship. The Black Woman takes the lead, enhancing our lives together through Her wisdom and guidance.

  • This is nice in theory but I would argue that a woman likes to be loved and seen for who she is, rather than for a fantasy he indulges in.

    it replaces the ability to see a woman for who she is, with an idea that turns him on.

    A fantasy has a power of its own, it has a specific trigger and this trigger probably is not to see her fed and happy. instead it objectifies women in order to satisfy a very real inner desire. As a projection it is an objectification of a personal need, he is afraid to satisfy.

    If he is stuck in a fantasy, unable to honour his own needs, how should he be an asset to supporting you and helping you grow into the amazing goddess that is your birth right?

    A fantasy is selfish. Help him confront his fears. Why not encourage him to see a relationship coach instead? Why allow him to go forward in life unable to see a real person for what she is and unwilling to connect to you on a personal level?

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