
FLR Training For Women- Beginning Week 3

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We laugh a lot.

I am not sure what you might expect from a training group on Female Led Relationships but during our weekly LIVE TALK discussions where we meet via video/audio conference calls, we talk about the issues we are facing in our relationships and we laugh- A LOT.

I do a presentation on a topic I want them to really get into and then I will talk to each student specifically to share my thoughts on their specific problem area. Most often the problem areas overlap like, feeling guilty for offering punishments or feeling overwhelmed by the title of being a domme, but then some women have more um-peculiar issues and I will say something like- Mary’s man is crazy so we have to direct her a different route.

The basis of all of my instruction is to UNDERSTAND, ACCEPT and LOVE  your submissive man while being awesome in the process and allowing him to serve you because you deserve it.

We are beginning Week 3 and this week began with a guest speaker who shared information about Protocols, Punishments and Rewards and the intimate details of her evolving FLR with the ladies. The students asked her questions directly about her FLR, how she organizes it and also asked for advice for their particular issues. She shared information about her protocols, or lack of, how she punishes her husband for non compliance and how they split the authority in their household.

Neither of us are authorities and we remind the Goddesses of that. We stress that each woman can design her FLR in any way that pleases her but we provide value in that we offer OPTIONS that the Goddesses may have never considered.

In our private Facebook group, I post daily discussion questions and we all post the assignments from the Conquer Him Academy. We also affirm each other and share our our personal questions and stories.

This week we are learning about Becoming A Great Leader. This is very important because there is so much more to being in an FLR besides making sure to have your submissive man follow orders. If you are going to lead in a Female Led Relationship you had better be a quick thinker during a crisis. You should know how to put out fires, you should know how to protect your partner (and family’s) best interests.

Things are not always going to be all punishments and role play. There will be dark days where a family member gets hurt, someone loses a job and mental exhaustion kicks in. What then? Do you look at your submissive man and give up? No, you have to fix the issues. You have to know how to think and solve problems together. You have to be the rock that the relationship stands on, even while your submissive man is being your support system.

What do you do when you do not know what to do? I will teach that this week.

How do you make a decisions when you do not have all of the facts? I will cover that this week.

Leadership is about setting a vision and making a plan to see it through, walking WITH your team, not just bossing them around. A great leader serves his followers. So in a sense, both people in the relationship are servants of each other and that is why I believe that both participants in a FLR are equals and the man is not inferior.

But I really like this group of women, each going through their own challenges and I am quite grateful to be their support.

We will be setting up One on Once coaching sessions for next week, which is our final week. The training group is winding down and I look forward to hearing about how the ladies have developed as a result of the course.

woman studying

If you or your wife are interested in participating in the next group training FOR WOMEN (Because I really enjoy coaching the women), early registration is now open. Spaces are limited to ensure that everyone gets proper attention.

Hope you can join us!




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