How Has FLR Impacted Your Dating Life, Queenie?
A subscriber wrote in with a few very pointed questions about how my exposure to FLR has shaped my dating life. I thought they were great questions and would allow you more insight into the woman who is offering this wisdom you express that you appreciate so much.
Points to consider: I began writing Conquer Him (With Love) by using the pseudonym QUEENIE but I have switched to using my real name so that you will understand that there is nothing shameful about being associated with Female Led Relationships. I operate this site primarily as a business after studying different FLRs and offering information about them. I am a single Black woman living in Los Angeles.
Here are his questions:
Are you a leader or follower?
I can be both. In situations where I am not familiar I can follow someone else’s lead until I get a good grasp of what is happening. I have held many leadership positions in my life and find that people seek me for wisdom and guidance but I gain no satisfaction from having people follow my lead. I prefer to enjoy experiences alone rather than in a group. I do not enjoy group activities much because there is too much compromise and I would rather do things the way I want them to be done. When there is an important decision to be made that will impact my life I never seek anyone’s advice, I decide for myself.

Te-Erika Patterson
When it comes to your past relationships, what was the dynamic of those relationships?
I have not had many long term relationships but the ones that happened I would say that I was easy going and nurturing to those men. I did not need to tell them what to do, they had their own goals and dreams and so did I. We were not focused on empowering me at all. I took care of myself. It was more like I was single but had someone who told me they loved me from time to time.
Why did they not work out?
I was attracted to men who I felt needed my love. I was a woman trying to be a rescuer because I knew my own power even then. This was a dangerous goal because men who need love do not know how to appreciate it when it is given since they don’t understand it. I do not feel that my concern and love was ever valued. These relationships ended because the men would move on. They wanted something other than the nurturing I was offering.
Knowing what you know now and your knowledge of FLR; would you go back and change a relationship that ended or maybe a relationship that never developed but had potential?
Oh no. My standards are completely different now. I have raised the bar for my own life and I am glad none of those relationships lingered. I have yet to meet a man that I was truly impressed by in this lifetime so I don’t feel like I am missing out.
What is different about your approach now compared to your approach pre-FLR? Or is everything the same?
FLR has impacted my life very much. Because of the men and women who have gone through my coaching program I have been exposed to a higher standard when it comes to loving and empowering women. When I meet men now I am not looking for submission but I am looking to see if this is a man who enjoys saying YES to me. Sadly, most men aren’t capable of saying YES and that is a dealbreaker for me.
Because I am self empowered I don’t believe I need it but sometimes I fantasize about what it would be like to be in a relationship like the couples I coach. Imagine how much more I could achieve with a wonderful man focused on empowering me.
When I meet men now I understand that it will not be long term because we do not share basic interests. I am hyper focused on business development to the point of obsession, I am not religious in any way, my world view is from the perspective of an employer while most people are champions for the average employee and I am fascinated by poly love.  If I entertain anyone I know that it will be a brief affair based on sex and I do not expect anything more. It does make me sad sometimes that I never connect with anyone intellectually but honestly I am so much happier when I am enjoying my life alone than I ever am when I am seeing someone.
Would I demand an FLR? Every woman should have one but in my opinion if I have to demand it, it’s not right. I would never want to force a man to place my happiness as a priority especially since I am so good at making myself happy.
Thanks for reading and following along!
Hello Te-Erika. Reading your post I was wondering, what are your thoughts on house husbands? Do you think it could suit you?
Having a house husband would be a dream come true! OMG! I am so aroused just thinking about it! OMG!
Lol. I did not expect this reaction. Truth be told your comment excited me a bit. Thank you.
I would like to be a house husband.
Hey Queen!
Just was curious about your thoughts on chastity.
Fetish and fantasy are extremely popular when it comes to chastity. Do you feel there is any real benefit for wives to endulge in it?
Also: do you find one race or the other more or less prone to submissive temperaments?
Thank you Queen,
Hello Ma’am ,
Your responses to the questions were quite interesting what I am gleaning from your responses are that you don’t need a man or even necessarily want a man. You seem to be at a point in your life where that is not the focus of your life. It is admirable that you are not compromising your values for a relationship. I admire the strength in that. Your aside about poly love is interesting. It is a very interesting concept. In any case thank you for the insight into your thoughts and beliefs it has been most illuminating.
I just wonder how tall are you Queenie. I found you so attractive woman. Alpha female . African Queen.
I saw your clip about your dating with a submission man.
I feel so sorry for him. He is so stupid from my opinion. He get a lucky chance to serve a wonderful queen like you and he waste it.
I wish if i was in his shoes.
And i will devote all my life to you totally. And my pleasure will only throw your satisfaction. And all your needs will be my target to fulfil without no hesitation.
And my reward will only to see your smile meaning you like my work.
Please tell me if you like what i wrote. To encourage me to tell you more and more and share my feelings with you
Please reply
well I donn wanna be annoying or rude
but i do really reaaaaally need a chance ,,, i think i can b the one u need .
and literally you are amazing
Just say “yes”. You nailed it.
Before my girlfriend and I committed to a female led relationship and signed a contract, we would argue all of the time. Why? Because instead of me saying yes, I would challenge her authority and try to assert mine. No good. These ALWAYS ended up in fights and I ALWAYS lost anyway. So, when we wrote up our agreement, the first thing she wanted was for me to say ‘yes’ to whatever she wanted. Now, I know many of you probably imagine the worst requests and orders coming from her but mostly, it’s household stuff. Take out the trash. Done. Do the dishes. Done. Hang out with my boring girlfriend while we get ready to go out. Done.
If I argue or say no, there is immediate punishment. But that doesn’t happen often because I truly enjoy seeing that huge smile on her face when she gets her way. So, I totally get the desire to be with a guy that knows how to say “yes”.