
11 Responses to “What Is This Submissive Man Really Seeking?

  • Very well written! I think you hit the nail on the head!

  • Lol … couldn’t help to chuckle while reading the very well written article! Lol … I could imagine the Facial expression of surprize on Goddess’s Face when hearing and realizing the expected She … is in fact a he! Jokes aside – the essence of this article by Goddess reflects the very essence of the challenge facing any FLR!

    The challenge is – is the applying submissive man anything else than a pseudo “kinkster” … or is he a genuine core submissive who is prepared to work for, sweat for, sacrifice for and worship his Goddess? As Macbeth asked may, many moons ago … to be or not to be????

    My personal opinion remains [not based on research at all though yet based on decades of experience!] that 95% of all so called submissive men on this planet are nothing more than “kinksters” “fetishists” “players” … do not want to discourage Goddess further … yet need to mention that 95% of “submissive” men on Fetlife [if not more!] are also nothing more than “kinksters” “players” and “fetishists!

    And You know what is the hall mark of a “kinkster” “fetishist” and a “player” … after the fix he/She returns to normal, the equilibrium prior to the fix is simply reinstated!

    The challenge is therefor … how do You identify and point a true life style SUBMISSIVE male … She who has the answer to this question will be truly blessed …

    • Sadly, you’re absolutely correct, submissive paul c. 🙁

    • yeah, it’s really sad as a truly submissive male that so many men on Fetlife are players. i thought i was giving an honest and real profile about seeking a FLR, but was judged without anyone taking the time to talk to me.
      now i’m not sure where to go to find a Dominant Woman.
      i can’t just stop being submissive, but don’t know if i’ll ever find a Dominant Woman.

  • Goddess –
    I reply to both You and to PaulaC (above).
    Perhaps, men who seek dominant women and Female Led Relationships are first attracted by the notions surrounding being “kinkster” “player” and “fetishist! That was the hook for me. Men are greedy to satsify their puriant interests.
    But then I found my REAL need, which isto bring deep satisfaction and ecstasy to my Goddess. My puriant desires are now subordinate to bliss for Goddess.
    YOU are correct on both fronts – We men –
    > DO not know the. pleasure of pleasing our Goddess
    > DO need the training of a strong Woman guided by
    strong discipline (it’s the shortest path to getting our
    I am so very happy to have found You and your writings. Perhaps, someday, I too will enjoy the World of which you speak.

  • Probably in a perfect world strong female leadership would be taken for granted in all areas of life and there would be little need to designate a particular relationship as FLR or anything else. For us, the term has absolutely nothing to do with kink and everything to do with our belief that the world is in dire need of the healing and nurturing qualities that come with intelligent feminine leadership and guidance. The objective is to encourage and support women of all ages and backgrounds who desire to be leaders to be able to achieve their goals without resistance. It takes time because, although much male leadership has proven to be second-rate, it is firmly entrenched and difficult to shift. Society is quite simply selling itself short by under-utilising 50% of its available leadership talent. How come? Much resistance to female leadership seems to be based on irrational fear. Adherence to a FLR can probably go a long way to breaking down the barriers slowly but surely.

    Having said that, there is no doubt that a committed personal FLR is wonderfully erotic. Serving a beautiful powerful Goddess ought to be every man’s goal.

    • I am in absolute agreement with you, submissive frankie teardrop! 🙂
      Do you seek actively seek a FLR? If so, where do you advertise yourself?

  • excellent article

  • I am very submissive and was born that way. I naturally want to serve women. That is my strong need.

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