
5 Responses to “Is A Whip Really Necessary?

  • Thank You for this post, i shared it with Queen Yolanda and She and i have had a FLR for more than 5 years. i visit Your website regularly and thank You.

  • As a whiteboi, it is my DAILY duty to do something to prove my devotion and respect for Black Women. i will be kind to each Black Woman i meet during the day and for the Black Women in my life i will do all i can to make Your lives happier and less stressful.

  • You really bring it to the point in this article. The whip means you are serious. It’s not about pain or being injured. It’s just about being serious. It’s hard to unterstand until you once felt the whip, the moment you realize who is in charge. I will never forget my first time. So I think a whip should be part of every flr. And for me it is the greatest gift my wife ever got from me.

  • Not really sure I understand this need for discipline. I know it exists and I crave it. But she disciplines me by holding back , not moving forward unless she is control. Expressing my needs in a manner of speaking is me trying to be in control. So as of now no physical didciplne. But it is not in my control.

  • When I met my wife, I was in her country on business. It was her Who took me to the airport to see me off, and as I stood in the long line she kissed me goodbye with a long, on the mouth kiss out of nowhere. I thought then “wow”… That was how we became involved. A year later we were married and on our wedding night she asked me to make personal vows of love and service and she said she had a present for me. I opened it to find a crop and she asked me if I thought it was a bad thing and I was speechless. She also asked me if I thought that once married there would be any further debate about anything and again I was speechless. She said that she took my silence as an answer and she beat me very harshly. She said it was to let me know that she could and would. We have been together 14yrs and she has never actually done that again, but every time I say or do something to upset her, she will tell me to bring it and ask me if I have anything else to say.

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