
5 Responses to “FemDom Mistress: The Black Onyx

  • Thank you for sharing, Ma’am.

    I found this line very telling: “… so a lot of my life had been wasted doing what others had wanted but not what I wanted.”

    There’s an apt quote I like: “All of a sudden you may wake up and find out that you are at the end of someone else’s life.”

    It’s good to be your self. Congratulations.

  • I have been in this lifestyle for the last 15 years and it is nice to see you blazing your own trail and letting us follow you. Thank you!!!!

  • Thank you, Madame, for sharing with us your insight, your strength of character, your wisdom and guidance as to how we should live and grow. I believe black women are natural matriarchs and uniquely suited to leadership. The world needs strong women like you to lead us forward to a new enlightenment. When you speak, Madame, we will listen and learn. Show us the way…your way…and we will follow and obey, humbly and gratefully, with bowed heads and happy hearts.

  • Thank you for sharing your story

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