
FLR Training For Women- Beginning Week 2

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This is week 2 of the Female Led Relationship Training for Women and we have a lot to look forward to.

The 4 week training course started out with 3 women but I allowed one more to join late, which I was hesitant to do because the vibe between all of the women was great and I did not know how it would work to help a new person to catch up.

Things did not go smoothly with the new woman because as she entered the group and caught up with the assignments she had several suggestions for how I should organize the information I am presenting. You would expect that a group of dominant women would have some clashing but I did not expect to become instantly annoyed and offended.

Since I have put more than 30 hours into developing each course before we even begin the training, having someone suggest I add even more work to my plate for their convenience pushed me past my tolerance level and I let her know that if she is not satisfied with how I am presenting the course, she can leave.

She apologized, explaining that she is always looking for ways to improve and that is how she becomes better so she was extending that courtesy to me.

What is interesting is, I do the same thing when I enter into a new situation and I see areas for improvement. The only difference is, I offer to take care of the suggestions myself as a sign of support instead of absently detailing what I think should be improved.

This made me look at my own actions in a new light and I reached out to one of my editors to thank her for her patience with me because I had done the same “suggesting improvements” to her in the past. I resolved to step back and allow those who are leading projects that I join, to lead their way.

But we got past it (I hope. I am known to hold a grudge) and we had our second LIVE TALK DISCUSSION where I presented LIVE during a video conference call on the topic: Establishing Your Dominance. This topic is particularly important to the group of women I am training for female led relationships because at least 2 of them seem to be submissive in nature.

Can submissive women learn how to be dominant? I believe they can but it can not be forced. If it is forced, they will not be happy to do it, they will give up easily and the submissive man will feel that they are pretending and will not truly submit.

I taught them that in order to establish dominance women have to change their perspective and overcome certain beliefs internally such as the expectation that others should like them and they should behave properly like a lady. Sure, dominant women can be ladies. No, I am not suggesting they can not be, but there is an element of aggression necessary to train and tame submissive men that submissive women do not know how to tap into. One of the keys I taught them is being willing to walk away if standards are not met instead of being so eager to please and be approved.

After careful research and speaking with a wide variety of submissive men who are well devoted to their dominant Goddesses, I shared tips for motivating submissive men and how to break them from their selfish pride and self serving natures. I introduced ideas for protocols and punishments and how to view a submissive man in  way that will lead you to offer direct and swift punishments without hesitation. There is a perspective that these women needed to understand about the men they love so much so that they would stop feeling guilty about enforcing punishments and protocols and I explained it in detail.

In addition to this emotionally charged LIVE TALK where I spoke with each woman to address her personal concerns for her FLR, this week we are working on 2 lessons from the Becoming a Goddess course in the Conquer Him Online Training Academy.



We are learning about Designing Your Female Led Relationship which teaches the 4 types of Authority choices that a dominant woman can create which will help her establish a style of dominance that is comfortable to her. We are also learning about Engaging His Submission which details the 4 main types of submissive men, what motivates them and how to interact with them to evoke passion and fun.

It is very important to me to help these women build confidence in their ability to lead a Female Led Relationship through understanding that there is not one way to build their relationship. I also want them to understand that they can be who they are, loving, caring and supportive and still dominate their partners through service and loyalty.

With all of this information, I try not to overwhelm them and I am still learning how to lead such a course myself, respecting everyone’s choices and opinions and supporting them by being available to answer any questions.

I am still TEAM SINGLE over here, but every lesson I create after hours of research and interviews, teaches me a lesson.

COUPLE IN LOVE 2This week, the biggest lesson I learned was that although these women may not be naturally dominant, they are truly in LOVE and ADORE their partners, accepting them and being willing to honor their kinks and desires to be dominated because of how well their partners treat them already.

One woman in my training group said, “God truly broke the mold when he made my husband. There has never been any other man like him.”

If you are a submissive man wondering how to get your partner to dominate you, be awesome to her! Then ask her to play with you. When you honor her, she will honor your request and have fun in the process of being treated like a Princess!

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