
One Response to “We Are Moving Forward

  • Thank You for starting a great movement and I will certainly continue my path on Your other website. I am a submissive male. I think it’s sad that so many so called “male subs” out there are only interested in their sexual kinks. While I admit that this is apart of me to a degree, it is not my reason for seeking a FLR. My passion from my submission come’s from a genuine desire to help other’s. I am all for Female Empowerment. I think the world would be a better place if Women ran the world. Not in some kinky Domme leather outfit whipping guys. I mean Women showing us guys through their own Feminine Divine from within, how to be better people period. True love and compassion for another human soul. There are some good men out there. I just notice myself that most Women have a more compassionate heart and desire to help others. I hope for Female Led Relationship/Society to move away from the typical Dominatrix mentality and towards a more genuine loving and caring model. I think kinks should be totally separate. If 2 people are into that, that’s great. However, not everyone is into that and it does ruin the genuine caring Female Led Relationship out in society. Thank You

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