
REVIEW: Couples FLR Coaching Program

When it comes to coaching FLR, I have learned that there is no better way to do it than to coach both people at the same time. Although I offer couples private coaching where I meet with each coupleĀ for 4 sessions and help to structure their FLR, I was delighted to be able to do
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FLR Training For Women- Beginning Week 3

We laugh a lot. I am not sure what you might expect from a training group on Female Led Relationships but during our weekly LIVE TALK discussions where we meet via video/audio conference calls, we talk about the issues we are facing in our relationships and we laugh- A LOT. I do a presentation on
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FLR Training For Women- Beginning Week 2

This is week 2 of the Female Led Relationship Training for Women and we have a lot to look forward to. The 4 week training course started out with 3 women but I allowed one more to join late, which I was hesitant to do because the vibe between all of the women was great
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