It is Time For Women to Lead and Men to Follow
We are living in the Century of the Woman. To have a future worth living a fundamental cultural shift needs to take place globally. Simply said, it is time for we men to step aside, and very intentionally put women into positions of leadership. Why? Because women embody those virtues and attributes that God seeks to build us a future worth living. For the sake of our survival, it is time for the women to lead and the men to follow. With men in power, we will relive the past. With women in power, the future will be better for everyone.
Female Led Relationships are the tell-tale, first buds of spring. The precursor of things to come. The far distant sound of marching feet. Fascinating and strange it is to watch how God is orchestrating this subtle tectonic shift in social mores and organization. Not like we might think with trumpeting headlines, but rather obtuse and in the quiet shadows. Building first upon the primal urgings of raw sexual energy, and then upward into the emotional streams of established relationships, like She was coming in the backdoor as an unannounced family friend. Why invade, when over a hundred years, you can infiltrate?
What is needed are plants, saboteurs, locals who already know the terrain and speak the language, but are completely sold out to another loyalty, another Motherland, a higher calling. Converts right next door. In the world, but not of the world. Slowly eroding the old order, exhaling the fresh air of a new order. These, likewise, are not the ones you might expect. They are dominant women, who don’t seem dominant, and passive men, who are hardly passive in any outward way. But they are steel minded, un-relentless, dedicated pioneers. Unflinching, because they carry that unbeatable conviction that they cannot lose.
We share our foxholes, our food, and our fight. Above all, we watch one another’s backs.
I can’t believe there
are no comments on this
post. We men are here
to serve women.
This is an extremely uneducated opinion that stems from sexual fantasies and ignorance of history, sociology and other humans sciences.
This is why blue-balled men’s opinions are often irrelevant on this kind of topic.
Let the women talk if your brain can’t function properly anymore.
Being married for 12 years with my bossy indian Lady I can confirm: Yes, indeed, she has a tight reign over me but it was the best for both our life! She rules and I have to obey and serve her willingly. I know my daily duties, performing the menial tasks, and in the evening I take my usual place at her feet for giving a good foot rub or a fully pedicure. Naturally I also have to kiss her feet for respect when she commands – and by the way – every woman deserves this nice gesture I think. Happy wife – happy life!