This Feels Like a FLR
Since I began Conquer Him nearly two years ago I have become a truly empowered woman. When I think of the ways I have changed I am remindedĀ of the benefits of a healthy Female Led Relationship.
Although I am a single woman who lives alone and focuses completely on growing my internet properties, I realized today that when it comes to the men and women of Conquer Him, I feel like we are in a Female Led Relationship. And it’s not about me controlling you or demanding that you do what I say, that’s femdom. You should know by now that I am not into controlling others or demanding compliance.
The major benefit of being in a Female Led Relationship is the woman’s ability to become FREE to do and BE everything she has the courage to dream. The man in a Female Led Relationship encourages, inspires and enables her to be the powerhouse she is inside.
And you’ve done that for me.
When I first began Conquer Him, I had just been heartbroken over a guy who was not respectful toward me. I started studying femdom because I saw that so many people were interested in this topic and I wanted to learn how to start being more powerful. As I researched, interviewed and learned from real couples in FLRs and real dominant women, Ā I took the same information and held it in my own heart and I changed.
I created standards for my life that had never been there before. I raised my expectations. I began to feel my own power as a woman. I took you with me as I transitioned from being an advocate for femdom to being an advocate for Loving Female Led Relationships and you supported that shift which helped me become more confident in my work. With each comment you post, each supportive email you send and each donation you make, you are empowering me to dream bigger and do more.
When I began to teach FLR Trainings and you joined in, you made me more confident that I could become a viable leader in this field. When I created the Social Community and you joined in, you showed your support of myĀ goals.
Every time you read one of my blog posts, visit us on Facebook or subscribe to receive blog posts you are pushing me to do more and BE more in the field of women’s empowerment.
That is what a Female Led Relationship is all about.
When a woman has a partner who is appreciative of her vision, applauds her decisions, steps in to offer support and keeps up that support with praise and love, she feels unstoppable.
I feel unstoppable.
I may be single but I don’t feel like I am alone…because of you.
I feel as though I can create an idea that could change the world and you would believe with me. That is the true power of a Female Led Relationship.
I understand that you are behind the scenes and you can’t see me but you understand that my heart is set on introducing this concept of FLRs to the mainstream so that ALL women have the chance to realize how powerful and brilliant they can be.
I recently created a site called FemaleLedSociety.Org where I will rally for all men and women to shift toward a Female Led Society. This is a huge endeavor, and I may not have all the skills that it would take to lead it to where it could go but, I’m going to try anyway.
I’m not afraid to fail.
I can honestly say that all of your support has made me a bit cocky. I believe I can and I WILL make FLRs a mainstream idea or at least a hot topic of conversation.
I know that there will many of you who believe in me and want to see me push this vision to fruition and will reach out to me with kind words, helpful advice and offers of assistance. You are my heroes, helping me to make my dreams come true, just like my partner would if I were in a Female Led Relationship.
As I grew stronger through sharing the message of FLRs I passed on that info to the women in my coaching program and we all became better women because of it.
And every couple that I have impacted through Conquer Him or LovingFLR.Com have you to thank for their progress. When you supported me, I felt free to create methods to support them and now they will go out and love each other more deeply and truthfully, showcasing the beauty of Female Led Relationships with everyone who meets them.
You did this.
So now do you see why I am single but I feel like I am being empowered through a Female Led Relationship?
Thank you for this virtual FLR. It has changed my life.
There are few ways to say this… Bless you, bless you, bless you!
What I want to say is that your blog is very inspirational. FLR or Femdom relationships are not for everyone, yet for many of us they provide a way of life that is most special. Submissive men are treasurers that are there for us to both love and to enjoy.