
You Don’t Have To Be Ashamed of Your FLR

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One of the things that truly brings me joy in life is when I am all set to begin working with a new group of women in our FLR Leadership Coaching Program. I think I am more excited than they are because I understand what a gift to the world a Loving Female Led Relationship is and just how much each woman is going to benefit once she structures her relationship to be more beneficial to her. The only thing that sours this transformational experience for me is the fact that so many women feel ashamed of being in a FLR.


Their partners introduce the FLR with so many kinky sexual demands that the woman feels as though she is doing something perverted just to please him. Women feel that their children will be damaged if they knew about the FLR. Women also feel that if their friends, family or employers found out they could lose their jobs or their respect. Women feel that if they don’t get the FLR “right” then their husbands will leave them or they will be disappointed in themselves.

There is nothing to fear when engaging in a Female Led Relationship unless you are allowin a man to demand . Some men will demand that their FLR be all about pleasing them sexually and controlling their lives and the woman they love will feel put off and even disgusted by these demands. She may acquiesce for a short time bt in her heart she knows she is pretending. Pretending to be a dominant woman will backfire because she will eventually come to resent you and feel insecure as so many women in my program report to me. They say they feel they are not good enough because they can’t be what he wants them to be.

This is where all of my mental strength and power comes in. I have to take a woman who has been handed these outrageous demands and show her how to take her power back and transform this relationship into a relationship that will benefit her more than anyone else.

But she can not do that if she feels ashamed of her FLR.



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