Where Do We Go From Here?
Do you have a vision you want to achieve?
I do too. Today I want to take the time to share some of the ideas I have for the empowerment of women and get your feedback.
ConquerHim.Com– I began ConquerHim nearly 2 years ago. The audience has grown so much that I am astonished. With more than 700 email subscribers and thousands of page views per day, you may be reading this alone in your room but you are definitely not the only one. There are so many people who appreciate the concept of Female Led Relationships that I want to do this topic justice in a way that no other site has done before.
I have already made the Men’s FLR Training available online for INSTANT ACCESS to offer men the chance to learn how to overcome the issues that may be holding them back from creating a healthy Female Led Relationship. You won’t have to wait for LIVE trainings that may conflict with your work schedules. Join NOW and get the information you need instantly!
The women’s FLR Coaching program is only becoming stronger as I have added 2 new important lessons to the curriculum and developed a special lesson for single women who want to establish FLRs with the men in their lives. If you are ready to stop hesitating and get your FLR established I am ready to personally guide you.
The Conquer Him Community is honestly kind of quiet. Although everyone is open about who they are and what they believe, most members report that they still hold back in interacting because it is new to them. But, they all tell me that they appreciate that the Community exists because it allows them to meet others who share the FLR lifestyles too. We need new and curious members to join and shake things up a bit!
I want to move Conquer Him to a point where we discuss ways to overcome patriarchy and dissect instances where it would be beneficial to have gender role reversal in society. Of course I can’t write all of this on my own so having contributing writers is sincerely appreciated.
FemaleLedSociety.Org makes my heart melt. As a journalist, I imagine conducting original interviews with leaders in society about their views on what a Female Led Society would mean and how we can move towards it. I also hope to create a PAID writing team to help write articles, do interviews and provide outstanding content that will push FLS.Org to the forefront as a leader in opinions on women’s issues.
LovingFLR.Com is such a cute site! With this site I want to create a stand alone coaching program for couples so they can work through presentations, assignments, challenges and even creating their FLR contracts at their own pace. I want this site to become a beacon for women who want MORE from their relationships and men who want to empower women to achieve their highest potential.
I plan to create an online store filled with products that showcase pride in Female Led Relationships and a Female Led Society. I am currently working with a designer on an arsenal of symbols and graphics and am researching how to set up an online store and manage it. I hope that this store will fund the writers and maintenance of the sites if everyone chooses to pitch in and become an active supporter of our efforts.
A FLR app is on the way. I am totally NOT a tech person and sometimes it kills me when the Community is experiencing tech issues and I have to break my brain trying to resolve them but you can never say that I don’t try.
I’ll be honest. I don’t know exactly what I am doing and I feel as though I am fumbling through the darkness but I feel compelled to try just to see how far I can go.
I have always believed that I could achieve whatever my heart desired and honestly, I have. There is nothing that I have ever wanted that has not come to fruition. I give away grants to women in need and even those who have made their dreams come true. I have been featured in the news for my work and even given awards to others who have achieved success in their fields. I have written for the Atlantic, Entrepreneur.Com, Forbes.Com and created original features for the Huffington Post.
I always achieve my goals, however long they may take to realize.
And my eye is on promoting the concepts of a Female Led Society and Female Led Relationships next.
I want the concept of Female Led Relationships to be a viable option for women. I see the benefits. I have experienced how it feels to be empowered by men who want nothing more than to see you achieve greatness. I have often felt isolated in life due to my independence but I have not truly soared in my endeavors until I began this journey with you. This feels like a virtual FLR and I want every woman to understand that her options are limitless if she begins the work and finds the right partner to walk beside her.
If you haven’t actively shown your appreciation for Conquer Him please do so. Right now I am raising funds to create an inventory for a future online store and also fund 2 more $1000 grants for women. After those goals are achieved I hope to focus on creating a budget for paid writers to further the mission and to create new marketing tactics to increase awareness.
I may not be the perfect woman to lead this vision but I am the spark that it needs to get the flame going. Will you help nurture the flame?
Please support the empowerment of women by becoming a writer, taking a course or offering a donation.
If you are looking for a way to serve, join us and we can figure out how you can help empower women TODAY.
You can watch this program grow or you can become a vital part of it. Either way, I hope you stick around to witness the magic.
Don’t Forget to purchase our limited edition “She Wins” T-Shirt! If we don’t reach a specific amount of shirts, the fundraiser will be canceled by the Booster site. This is our first Fundraiser! Don’t let it be a failure. Show us how proud you are to empower women!
Sooo. What do you think of my ideas and how do you plan to show your support?
I can’t wait to hear from you!