Becoming a Goddess Training FINAL REVIEWS
Our September 2015 Female Led Relationship Training Class is now officially over! All 5 participants completed the course successfully which makes this class the most successful class to date. All of these women have officially become Goddesses.
Each Goddess was offered the opportunity to provide feedback on the course. Here are their unedited reviews.
What do you believe was the biggest benefit of participating in this program?
Student 1 – I think the biggest benefit for me was learning about all the different types of Goddess’ and the different styles of dominance. I had never seen them presented in such a clear, concise manner. If you take nothing else away from this course, it was worth the price.
Student 2 – I think this program helped me to work through some of my personal issues in making my FLR more successful.
Student 3 – To be provided the knowledge and understanding of how to conduct a Female Led Relationship and that each women needs to decide for herself her own style.
Student 4– Realizing that the biggest parts of FLR is trust, communication and love. Not only do I get pleasure from being served, my husband really does like taking care of me and serving me all the time.
Student 5 – For me, the biggest benefit of participating in this program was receiving affirmation that I am totally “doing it right” and that I am very happy in my FLR. I know now really and truly that I AM A GODDESS.
How has this course impacted your relationship?
Student 1– It is not so much how my relationship was impacted as it is my understanding of myself and my style of domination. I admit that I learned a few things from the other women in the group. I think meeting all together the way we did helps everyone to open up and talk more freely about their particular problems.
Student 2 – It has provided a positive impact on my relationship. Using the information that I learned, I have been able to enhance my current FLR.
Student 3 – Allowed a greater understanding of the FLR dynamic which in turn improved our FLR dynamic and relationship satisfaction.
Student 4 – Wow!!! In so many ways!!!! My sub/hub talks with me about every lesson and my homework assignments. This created discussion areas of our pun FLR. The discussions question and submitting my assignments was jus so awesome!! I gave and recorded comments from Other Goddesses and Queenie, The Goddess of Godesses, and that was fantastic!! It was like a class study group in a way. All of us were so different, and that offered a variety of positive input. Which would bring me back home to my sub/hum and we have another dialogue!!
Student 5 -This course has benefited my relationship in ways I never dreamed it would. We are both more relaxed and at ease with our roles and he has become even more attentive to my needs than he was before, and he was pretty awesome before this class!
What was your biggest challenge while participating in the course?
Student 1– (Besides making sure I had the right microphone?)
The biggest challenge for me was answering some of the questions the other women came up with. I have to admit they almost stumped me a time or two. But in the end, we all learned something.
Student 2 – My biggest challenge was answering some of the questions. They made me become more introspective.
Student 3 – Understanding the perspective of others.
Student 4 – Wow, that first lesson/class was hard. I logged on late. Queenie offered to talk to me alone after the group so that I could catch up on what I missed. I was in tears, frustrated and scared, describing something to her that was not a FLR. Having that conversation first that night was so very hard for me because I was finally saying it aloud. It was hard on my husband because he didn’t know he had been making it so hard on me. Starting a FLR the right way was easier after that!!
Student 5 – The biggest challenge of participating in this course was participating in this course! This course challenged me to complete tasks on time, to sharpen my listening skills and to be completely honest with myself.
How would a woman who is interested in FLR benefit from taking this course?
Student 1 – I think the biggest benefit for anyone taking this course is discovering what it truly means to be a “Goddess” or to lead a family in an FLR.
Student 2 – This course really makes the student take a look at the current relationship and identify the course of the FLR. It is a really good way to learn and grow within the relationship.
Student 3 – This course provides information for all levels of understanding from the most basic to the more experienced.
Student 4 – Women can find out if FLR is really for her or not. FLR is based on love, trust and communications with their partner. They can also discover their Goddess Type and Dominant Style. Being yourself and leading feels better because one isn’t being fake or phony anymore.
Student 5 – I wish I could afford to send at least two of my friends to this course, one married and one single. I don’t know if they even know that they are interested in an FLR, they wouldn’t have the vocabulary for it (like me at first) but EVERY woman could benefit from learning that there is never a reason to compromise yourself for a relationship, not ever. I’m not sure FLR training is the right name for this course at all, it should be, “Woman, get your game on, take the damned ball and run with it”
What was it like to work with the instructor Queenie during this training program?
Student 1 – Queenie is a wonderful teacher. Her style puts everyone at ease right away. She does not simply lecture students, she gets to know them and allows her own personality come out. That makes everyone more relaxed. You learn more when you can relax.
Student 2– Queenie was a really good instructor. She clearly knows how to create a training lesson. I think the biggest concern I had was that she is not in the FLR and the information she had was all learned through research and not personal experience. Although I learned a lot from Queenie, I think that was the only thing I felt was missing (guest speakers assisted with this.)
Student 3 – Queenie put a lot of work into this course and is very passionate about her content. She warned that she would challenge ones perspective and she does just that. While it may be difficult to be challenged, it’s worth the perspective.
Student 4 – It was transformative, amazing, intuitive!!! Queenie asks tough questions and challenges us during entire course. But she is really inviting ourselves to see something that is right in front of us, but we can not see. Queenie is always happy, even if she is empowering us with those challenges. I would recommend everyone to take a course from Queenie even if not just FLR because of how self-empowering she invited her students to be.
Student 5 – Queenie, you are a Goddess. You lead by example and while you’re not too gentle about it at times, it’s never mean or hurtful. I have a male friend who has a life coach and I’ve always wanted one myself. You would be that person for me. I trust very few people in this world to give me advice, I have to totally respect and admire them first, you’ve gained that position in my life and I thank you. Even if I never hear from you again (which I hope doesn’t happen) the lessons I’ve taken away from this time together will stay with me forever.
It was my pleasure to coach this group of dynamic women. If you would like to participate in the next Female Led Relationship Training class, check our calendar and reserve your space!